In the recent past, blogging was considered a hobby. Creating one would be all about the readership and staying connected with the readers. But times have changed. Registering a blog and getting a handful of visitors will earn you money. As your blog readership grows, the amount that you can make from it will grow as well. It is therefore important to make most of your visitors and keep them coming back.

The key to a successful blog is the return readers. These will build your audience and with enough references, your numbers won’t stop growing. If you are fresh into blogging, this article is going to highlight 7 sure ways to make money from your blog. These will be insightful in successfully monetizing your blog.
Product reviews and comparisons
Product reviews and comparison will earn you money. Companies and inventors interested in marketing their products pay a lot to have them reviewed and promoted. Reviewing these products in your blog will increase their popularity among your blog traffic. This will help people understand these products and go on to purchasing them. Comparison with other products helps preferred brands stand out. Tutorials on use and advantages of promoted brands over others will greatly monetize your blog. This will also be advantageous to your followers as they will understand different products better.
Forex affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is one of the top ways that bloggers get to earn. This strategy will make a lot depending on your readership. When coupled with product reviews, affiliate marketing works wonders. This works by referring your readers to products and services online. In forex affiliate marketing, when your readers subscribe to a forex trading platform, you will get a commission. One of the best forex affiliate programs is the forex MetaTrader 5 platform. Joining it will earn your blog money and keep it growing.
Writing and selling E-books
Depending on the niche of your blog, writing and selling e-books will be handy. If you spare some free time, you can compile an E-book. This will be essential in putting your knowledge and ideas into use. If you run a money blog, for example, you can write about making money online. This will educate and inform your readers and make you money as well. Putting your e-book for sale on your blog will not only earn you money but increase your traffic.
Promoting your web hosting company
This depends on the web company hosting your blog. Promoting a web hosting company to your readers will make you decent income. You can refer your readership to one or more web hosting companies. Depending on your readership, this strategy will add on to your blog earnings. This proven strategy has seen some bloggers earn a lot from it alone.
Sell personalized content
Selling personalized content will be handy once your blog is established. Having an authority in your niche means that you can create personalized content and services. This content may be offered as premium content in your blog. For your readers to access it, the will pay a small fee which will be an income from your blog. One of the premium services that you can provide is online training. This will greatly put your learned skills into use.
Sell products online
Including a shop page will be ideal for your blog. Setting this up should be easy especially when you have digital products. This is very essential to fashion and tech blogs. Selling products that are relevant to your niche will also increase your traffic. As you attract new customers, your readership will increase thus increase your earnings. Selling quality and custom-made products is recommended. If these are exclusive to your blog, you will make extra income from it.
Rent Advertising Space
Renting advertising spaces and running campaigns for brands are the oldest forms of blog earning. There are various ways that these work. These include pay to click ads, cost per mile ads, in-text ads and advertising widgets. Signing up to a provider will give you a code to put on your blog. This will allow the display of advertisements from different providers. These ads may be based on your blog content or not. Depending on the type of advertisements, renting your blog space will bring in extra bucks.
The above strategies are proven to generate income from blogging. You may be using some but implementing all of them will increase your earnings. If you are new to blogging, they will come in handy as you set up your blog in 2019.