Save Our Tigers – There Are Just 1411 Left

It’s not too late, I think its time to react to protect our national Animal. The present statistics show that just 1411 tigers remain in our country. Shocking isn’t it!!
“We are roaring for the cause. Are you?”
1411 is average estimation of India’s wild tigers, as per the monitoring exercise by Wildlife Institute of India in association with NTCA, Government of India in 2008.

I feel responsible to save my national animal. At this instinct, I want to appreciate Aircel for making us aware by taking the initiative. Aircel has partnered with WWF-India to help “Save Our Tigers”.

The Tiger as the National Animal of India symbolizes the power, strength, elegance, alertness, intelligence and endurance of the nation. Our national Animal is fighting for its life. Previously from around 40,000 tigers at turn of last century, there were just 1411 tigers at present in our country.

Save Tigers

I think this is the correct time to react to protect our heritage otherwise we could lose it forever.

Over the past years there is a steep fall in the tiger population. Due to illegal smuggling of Tiger Skin and other body parts, there are very few tigers left in the world today.

According to the World Census of Tigers, there are only 5000 -7000 tigers in the world today. Out of which, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, China and Myanmar claim to have a population of 3000 to 4500 and India alone claims to have a population of 2500 to 3750. These were according to year 2002 statistics. But Now, the number is just 1411.

Join the noble cause the same the big cats from extincting.

Hope This Initiative from Aircel and WWF-India should result in positive growth of Tigers in our Country.
Roar for this cause here @ SaveOurTigers
Our National Animal is Fighting for its Life. Show your support by joining @

Save Our Tigers

Till now over 96,000 people have joined this community to show their support to save Our Nation Animal from Extinction. So make a difference by joining and ask your friends to join in to support this roar.
You can also know much about this Program @ WWF-India or Saveourtigers

48 thoughts on “Save Our Tigers – There Are Just 1411 Left”

  1. Each and evryone must write about htis on there site and help National Animal from dissapearance

  2. @Puneet, Oh that’s a very sad news 🙁
    Indian Forest Department should take necessary action against those who attack the animals.

  3. maybe i am going to post about this tigers on my blog 🙂
    .-= GDI Blog’s last blog…Top 6 Business Networking Tips =-.

  4. @marlene not only tiger, we are not supposed to leave other animals. This may show negative impact on ecological balance if we keep on neglecting the fact.

  5. Tigers are so beautiful. It would be ashame if our children would have to grow up without having them around to watch on TV or see them at the zoos.
    .-= Marcia’s last blog…Dust Containment Booth Cube =-.

  6. I really wanna appreciate your intrest towards social issues !! and i think each one of us should write a article on this and promote SAVE OUR TIGERS initiative

  7. Hey good going…This is really a very nice post…You are going on the right way…Keep it up.

  8. Yes, its the Time to save Tigers, thanks for the Initiative.
    .-= Anish K.S’s last blog… presents Social Networking for Doctors =-.

  9. so response for my comments 😀 its bad, we should not just by commenting here is not enough. put the banner and support like that. as i done, i think you`ill do that. , will it affect your reputation if you put in your blog 🙁 ….. no then ??? – mine is a design blog still i support for my country . 😀

    • I thought of replying to your comment, but current went yar.. 🙁

      Yeah, I’m also going to place that banner from now on. But dude, any idea how long the banner will be kept in the sidebar? How long we should do this? Still a Question mark! 😉
      .-= S.Pradeep Kumar’s last blog…Save Our Tigers – There Are Just 1411 Left =-.

      • it depends on the blogger. i kept this and roam it inside log, like top or sidbar, or in the footer. 900px, for that ll create my own banner. – it depends on the blogger.
        let me see, for how many months i kept this 😀

  10. So Cute I love tigers…. ! definitely yes we should save our tigers not only tiger but also to our endangered species like eagles, koala and etc. We should be responsible and help one another to save our mother earth. Thanks for sharing this pictures to us. More power to your site !
    God bless 😉
    .-= Tina’s last blog…Pink Mobile Phones =-.

  11. Man am really impressed by this article… If we are not going to show interest towards it then who will, just think how bad it would if someone has to go in search in a nation for its own national animal, if this continues there will be a day where one might see tigers only in books and museums……

    Gr8 work 🙂 🙂 🙂
    .-= Rathnakumar’s last blog…MESSAGING !!! !!! !!! =-.

  12. Its a good work you done buddy 😀 as an India, we should shout out to help them. the only way to stop the extinct of tiger is by donating and catch the tiger poachers. strict orders. we are in the edge.
    i show the support by putting the banner and link to the site. for donation : ” here i made a animated GIF – 260X125px banner ” and redirect link ”
    link ” ” plz copy it and upload it in your blog. and ill delete the source link soon( its in the flickr ) . so upload to your DB.

  13. Now-a-days socia media advertising trend is evolving and they are comming up with innovative ideas with facts & figures to sell their product. Actually speaking the advertisement holders,posters and all these messages suppose to go to the village which is near to the forest area. We sitting infront of the computer and just passing these messages are not going to make any differences. Recently i went to Kanha forest to see Tigers. The near by kanha villages are terrible in shape they dnt have drinking water and power facility to survive and how these messages are going to reach their! poor people and poor tigers!

  14. Gud Post SiD ! : ) .. not nly Tigers getting to Extinct .. even many other species .. in India ! ppl lyk us nly step forward n take necessary steps : ) .. Future is on our hands .. juz spread diz awerness to whom ever ppl we see !! after all .. nature is God’s Gift : )

    Plz .. Sav Extincting Races .. n Spices through out our world ! : ) we luv nature !!!

  15. Good plan dude 🙂 First time i visit such a posting in blog (save our tiger promotion). You did nice work man…

    Blogging is not only sharing the individual thoughts, it also should serve socially!

  16. As an Indian. i will help to save our national animal .. nice article dude…….. i like this
    .-= Ram kumar’s last blog…Ways To Attract Readers =-.

    • Indian or Not but every citizen of a particular country has to do something toward the welfare of the nature that he is in.

      I was shocked to know that the tigers were almost on the verge of extinct. Very unfortunate..
      .-= NpXp’s last blog…5 Best Free WordPress Themes Website =-.


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