There is a prediction that by 2050 marriages with robots could already be happening. Who knows, human-robot love can become a reality. A couple in Japan’s capital Tokyo are the first in the world to be married by a robot. Intimate Relationships with Artificial Partners and Love and sex with robots are inevitable now-a-days. Earlier people used to show affection to humans alone, but now this has expanded to include pets and even robotic dogs.
#1. Robots Won’t cheat. Sure thing! Unless you programmed it to do so. Robots won’t pull the wool over your eyes.
#2. Robots Will Obey. Normally they are programmed to obey the users/administrators.
#3. You have ON and OFF switch. Yes. If you have any work to do with it, then you switch it on and if you don’t want to use it, switch off!
#4. Artificial intelligence. But it still has ‘intelligence’, watch out!
#5. Yup, you have Accessories. Some robots come with sleeky and cool gadgets. You can play with it! 8)
#6. RIP AIDS and STD. The safest sex on the planet. No unwanted pregnancy. But you may get a blue screening while you are in the middle of sex. Some people told they are even ready right now to marry sex toys, LMAO! Keeping a robot for sex could reduce human prostitution and the problems that come with it.
#7. Robots Won’t Beat You Up. Most of the couples beat each other, for some reason, or probably no reason, that’s their nature! π But robots won’t get drunk or beat you up.
#8. Won’t Apply Makeup. The most important reason! Girls spend lot of money, not theirs but ours, and time applying make-up. Contemporary technology can design a robot who’s likeness can fool humans easily. You can even upgrade way before 10 years with a better gorgeous model.
#9. No Divorce. No need to worry about divorces and stuffs, at least until its warranty expires.
#10. Volume control. Is she talking, or whatever you say, too much? Pick the remote, which you got as a accessory for your robot, and mute the volume! You can easily adjust the volume depending upon the situation.
#11. Expandable parts. No offense! π Upgrade and maintenance costs. If you are allergic to metals, am sorry! π
#12. No Medical Costs. You don’t need to spend a dime for medical stuffs (See reason #6). But if you break it, you have to fix it and it will cost you pretty penny!
#13. You Can Predict. You can always know what it is going to say or how it is going to react.
#14. You Got Manuals. Is she not kicking your a*s properly? Well you can always refer your manual! π
#15. No in-laws. No need to get nervous/sick about your mother-in-law or your father-in-law!
Just a share..
“In a marriage or other relationship, one partner could be jealous or consider it infidelity if the other used a robot,” Levy said. “But who knows, maybe some other relationships could welcome a robot. Instead of a woman saying, ‘Darling, not tonight, I have a headache,’ you could get ‘Darling, I have a headache, why not use your robot?’ “
Would a robot understand what ‘I Love You’ really means? Personally I think robot/human relationship sucks! It will take years for machines to understand humans and their feelings. Robots can’t really form emotions on their own.
Well, a female blogger will be far better than a female robot! Huh? I have some reasons here!
“Personally I think robot/human relationship sucks!” your this sentence was what i liked the most !
Lol.. what an article !
Worth a laugh…loved point no 11 o0 π
I think marring a robot have few plus points (if you have girl in your life you know what plus points i am talking here) π
robo dont have feelings π π like entherain movie π if it have tat all π the robo ruless..
LOL π π π Nice share π
I agree with Nasir. We expect some love and affection from our pair. But i am sure robots going to help peoples who are much depressed in life due to lovers and life partners. π
LOL :He!He!I am also looking a “Robo” for 2nd marriage,Before that let me conform with my wife…
I just stop by seeing the heading and start reading, find interesting but I think we the Indians are too much sensitive towards love & affection and never going to marry a robot, isn’t it??? thanks for sharing the above story.
This system shud start now onwards π
nice post π
Ha Ha Ha π π very much cool man , i just loved this post of yours, and robots are not suspicious in particular π π
if u marry a robot many things are not possible ??
ROFL this is a great article. i will discuss with my parents π
I want a relationship with a robot. At least we can share interests 11010101010100101001001000100101010101001111
Lol!!! wowowowo! Very Cool π
better to marry a robot!
Marrige with Androids/Gynoids is only possible in Japan.
Nice written buddy….
but this doesn’t mean I am ready to marrying a robot #lol
Reproduction is the issue here π