Profitable Business Ideas for 2022: The iGaming Sector

If one of the New Year’s resolutions was to find a lucrative and profitable business, then you might want to look for a career in the iGaming and gambling industries. There is nothing better than getting paid for something you like or making money by indulging in interesting activities, so if you’re an avid player or a gambler, this must most certainly be on the list of things you want to try out. The iGaming sector is one of the most exciting industries at the moment and can be very glamorous if you play your cards right (pun intended). But even so, what are the things you need to think about and how exactly do you make a living from this industry other than playing and winning?

Some of the wealthiest in the industry

Contrary to popular belief, the iGaming industry is not exciting because of the gaming experience; it’s also an industry that can be very lucrative and financially rewarding. If we’re talking about some of the wealthiest gamblers in the world right now, we cannot fail but mention Vanessa Selbst. She is the most successful female poker player of all time and is the only woman poker player who ranked number in the world of Global Poker Index. Denise Coates is also a name that is becoming a household name, at least for those into gaming and gambling. She is the CEO of bet365 and is said to be the ultimate gambler. Denise is also perceived as royalty in the gambling world, for a good reason. Her company is taking £12 billion in bets every year. 

How lucrative an option is gambling?

One of the first things that people should know when it comes to gambling professionally is that there is no tax deduction in several countries around the globe, meaning that the winner gets to keep everything. However, if someone wants to turn this hobby into a profitable career, they must know a lot about the industry, how it works, and if they possess the right skills. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with the technical aspects of the industry. Once you set that, choose one of the different jobs you can pursue in this industry.

Being an online casino reviewer or tutor

People usually follow the instructions of more successful people and learn from other people’s experiences. The same thing is important in gambling as well. Reputable players from the gambling industry offer their knowledge to newbies and thus make a lot from that. If you already possess some knowledge in this matter, it might be financially rewarding for you to give your honest and unbiased opinion on a particular site and what it has to offer. This job is interesting because the content can be distributed through more platforms – from blogs and magazines to social media such as Instagram and YouTube. Another similar profession would be that of a gambling tutor. Creating gambling tutorials is a great chance for anyone who considers themselves a pro, and many players worldwide can earn a lot from you sharing your own tips and tricks.

A games designer

On the other hand, you don’t need to know all the aspects of the industry in case you want to be a part of it. If you have other talents, you can use them to create something amazing for the whole community, such as designing the game from scratch. The profession of a videogame designer is a trendy one and can be very financially rewarding. Not only will you be able to create the visuals just the way you want them to, you will also be in charge of developing the storyline and the characters, and work with a creative team of designers and developers to make that game happen and bring it to life. 

Game play tester

By far, the most exciting and exciting profession in this industry is the one of a game play tester. However, it’s not as simple as it sounds, as it heavily relies on quality assurance. Game testers go through the game to ensure it functions correctly and if something has to be altered or improved. They most usually look for glitches and bugs in the system and then report these findings to the designers and the developers. 

The profession of a dealer

Definitely one of the most popular career paths for a gambling enthusiast is that of a dealer. Dealers work on casino floors, and they operate table games. They most commonly stand or sit at the tables dispensing cards, chips and other props to the players. They sometimes even operate the gaming equipment, which is proof that having the technical knowledge mentioned above is a huge plus. However, it’s necessary to have a completed dealer school to be a dealer. The positive thing is that some casinos will send prospective employees to the dealer school at their own expense, but this differs from casino to casino. There are also vocational schools and courses that you can take in case you lack time to finish the regular dealer school.


The gaming industry is interesting and can be a great possibility for everyone who enjoys the occasional game. However, all these professions come with a certain amount of risk, the most important one being the risk of starting to gamble and losing the money you earned. But if you are comfortable with your decision and are sure that you will have fun while working, know that it can be a lucrative profession in the end. 

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