Are you looking to publish several high-quality posts each week? Does it take you the whole day to write a single blog post? Are you looking for ways through which you can complete your posts faster? If your answer to these questions is yes, then you are in the right place.

We have curated ten ridiculous writing tips that will teach you how to get faster at writing. By following these tips, you will be able to write faster and produce high-quality content. If you are passionate about blogging, these tips are easy to learn. So, let us get started on your journey to becoming a faster writer.
1. Research and Writing Different Things
The best way to write a persuasive blog post is to begin with research. Browse Wikipedia, read various blog posts, and explore different websites. Spend time conducting research for your blog post. Gather whatever information you need, and jot down all relevant points. Then, exit your browser, disconnect from the internet, and get to writing.
If you think of a new point, do not stop writing. Instead, write the new point down on a separate page. Then, when your first draft is complete, revert to the point and conduct research on it. The idea is to write down your first draft. You can always tighten up your arguments when you are editing your blog.
2. Start Writing Now; Editing can wait
Editing involves taking your messy first draft, tidying it up, and presenting it to the world. Editing is also a process that takes place later on in your writing.
Professional writers do not pause after every sentence to confirm it is correct. They write the entire paper and then go back to see if they got it right.
When writing your blog, get that sloppy first draft onto your word processor. When your first draft is complete, go back, read what you have written, and edit it. Pausing after every sentence to change, edit, polish, and tweak your blog is time-consuming. It will take you hours before you get to the publish button. Instead, write your entire post, then edit later.
If you find it difficult to edit your blog, you can seek help from an essay writing service. These services have skilled writers who are adept in editing and fine-tuning blogs.
3. Outline
Before you put fingers to keyboard, divide your blog post into different sections. These include:
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion
The introduction should introduce the reader to the topic. The body should contain all the vital information gathered from your research. And the conclusion should sum up the content of your blog.
Use this outline for your blog post. It will help you structure your blog post in an effective manner. It will also help you write in a way that will engage your readers.
4. Conclusion is Important
Your conclusion is important. It is where you sum up your thoughts in succinct sentences. It is also where your state your call-to-action. Writing your conclusion sooner will enable you to focus on the content of your post.
5. Write the Introduction Last
The first line of your blog is crucial. It is what convinces the reader to read your entire blog. Write your introduction after you have outlined, researched, written, and edited your blog. This way, you will know what your work is about and what you want to mention first.
6. Do Not Polish at Once
Are you writing a dissertation?
No. Then there is no big deal if your blog post is not perfect. This does not mean that your blog post can have typos, spelling errors, and bad grammar.
Instead, accept that you cannot cover and include everything that you wanted in your post. Accept that you cannot always deliver perfect pieces; then, you will have room for your blogs to grow. The beauty of writing online is that you can always polish your work if you make an error.
7. Practice Every Day
Practicing is the number one rule for effective paper writing. The more you practice a craft, the better and faster you become at it.
If you write daily, it will feel natural to type a thousand words under one hour. If you write a blog post twice a month, it will take longer for you to warm up. It will also take longer for you to publish new content.
If you are a beginner in blogging, your progress will be gradual, be patient. If you keep practicing, you will become better, and your speed will increase.
8. Timer
Long blog posts and gas have one thing in common. They both expand and occupy everything. If you have difficulties in writing lengthy posts; place boundaries around those posts.
Set the alarm for one hour. Work on your blog post for that hour without diverting your attention to anything else. Write your post until the buzzer goes off.
You can challenge yourself to reach a particular word count before the buzzer goes off. This is a strategy that will help increase your speed.
If you struggle with time management, you can buy original essays online and free up your time. The better you manage your time, the better the content you will publish.
9. Do not write
I know this sounds unreasonable, but at times, when you have writer’s block, you need to stop writing.
Get up from your desk. Take a nap, take a walk, make a snack, or watch a movie. Do anything but think about your blog; even it is your best day to publish blog posts. Do not risk the possibility of burnout.
After you have relaxed, you will be in a better position to go back to your writing. Open your word processor and continue writing your blog post.
10. Research and Notes Organization
Sturdy blog posts cite other blog posts, journal articles, or scientific studies. All these provide evidence that supports a writer’s point.
Research and notes organization takes time. Save your ideas and notes on Microsoft OneNote for referencing while writing your posts. You can keep your
- Scientific papers
- Journal articles
- Articles
- Blog posts
You do not have to use Microsoft OneNote. But, having a tool for your notes and ideas will simplify the writing process.
It is Time to Get Started
Writing is a demanding task. If you struggle with writing compelling pieces, do not fret.
Integrating these tips into your writing will reduce the amount of time you take to finish a blog post. When you write faster, you can publish and write more blogs. And, with each post you publish, you take a step further at becoming a better blogger.
With these steps, you no longer have to ask “how long does it take to write a blog post?” Following them will enable you to increase your speed in no time. Now open your computer and finish something.