Grab 7 Free Orkut New Design Invitations : Giveaway

We all know that the revamped Orkut site is by-invitation only. Google sent out initial invitations to a group of active users and Google/Orkut engineers and they will invite others to the network. Recently I got invite from my friend Srivathsan. The new features are quite wonderful. But I don’t think they are creative ones.

I’m currently having 8 Invitations for Orkut New Design, so started giveaway.

Orkut New Design

How you can participate in this free Orkut Invitation giveaway?

  • Just comment using your name and email address.
  • Optional : In the comment mention why you need this invite.

I’ll select 8 lucky winners via or any other online list randomizers and remember I can only give you an invite if you have Orkut account.

So add me in Orkut before/after commenting here. It will be better if you can scrap me about the comment you made.

P.S. Please don’t approach me directly/indirectly for Orkut New Design Invites. Cheers!

Winners of Orkut New Design :

1. Vivek
2. Rajeel
3. Yogesh
4. Sourav
5. Nisha

FYI, still 2 more invites are start commenting and get the invites for free! 🙂

44 thoughts on “Grab 7 Free Orkut New Design Invitations : Giveaway”

  1. Its just a invite to the new Orkut. Had it been something else then surely a contest would have been appropriate.

  2. congrats to the winners…
    .-= sudharsan @ technoskillonline’s last blog…Win Dell Inspiron Laptop Free – Sizlopedia Contest =-.

  3. Ohh, how i wish i’d been invited.. read this in the forums and tried asking for invitations. Anyway, how do i get one.. any suggestions? 🙂

  4. To


    respected macha,

    sub:requisition of the new orkut invitation.

    as i wanna try the new orkut,pls send me the invitation. hopin 4 an appreciable response.

    ur’s sincerely



  5. Hey, I’m Back For Commenting.. 😛

    To Define ‘New Orkut’ in a Line, I’ll say “Crappy Facebook” but Since, I Luv Google, So, is Orkut..

    Anyways, you resetted your TC Widget! Hmmm..

    When are you Revamping your Blog..?

  6. Hi pradeep i want this invite please select me. In my campus orkut is banned so at present i can’t add you as a friend but i will definitely add you as a friend when i access net form outside the campus.
    Send me an invite

    • Vivek, actually Orkut allows me to send invites only for the people in my friends list.

      So it is not possible to invite you through mail or any other services.. create an account.. and add me bro.. 🙂

  7. Cm’on dude! People are giving them as it is. Moreover it kills all the fun. Even I killed the contest on my blog and you want people to subscribe? Probably not a good idea. Just give them away, possibly good for some branding 😉


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