2 Free WordPress Themes That Look Like Google+

What makes Google+ click? As a fan of simple design, I believe the clean layout of Google+ can make a different. That doesn’t apply only to Social Networking sites, but also for WordPress blogs. Right now we have two free WordPress themes from my friends that look like Google+.

WP Plus WordPress Theme [Download | Demo]

WP Plus

This theme has Styled sticky post and they avoided Graphics for fast loading. It is WordPress Custom Menus compatible and Background compatible.

WP Plus is designed exactly like the design of Google plus. It is a 3 column WordPress theme with two sidebars and one content area. One sidebar is on left and the other is on right.

The theme loads really fast because it don’t uses any graphics at all. WP Plus is compatible with WordPress Custom Menus and Custom Background. You can easily change the links that appear in the navigation bar from the dashboard page without editing the coding of the theme. You can also change the background from dashboard if required.

PlusOne WordPress Theme [Download | Demo]

Plus Theme

This is also another good WordPress theme that looks like Google+.

PlusOne is a WordPress theme that looks exactly like Google+ interface. Please don’t remove the footer links if you want to support further development of the theme. This is Version 1.0 of the PlusOne theme. In future versions, I will add custom nav menu support, color selectors, options page and much more. Future development depends upon the feedback I get for Version 1.0.

Do download these themes and tell us what it works for you. Do you know any other cool simple WordPress theme?

23 thoughts on “2 Free WordPress Themes That Look Like Google+”

  1. nothing is special in these two themes, I think nobody is going to use these two in their live website as these two will need a lots of modification if applied on a live website.

  2. Some body really needs to convert this one to blogger. that would be a major thing out there in no time.

  3. To follow Google could give us a good result. So the the site themes near to Google design might be most useful for our sites. Thanks for nice sharing!

  4. Nice themes,I like simple and decent themes but can't use these themes because I use blogger not wordpress.

  5. Finally something for the bloggers! Its really nice to accept that when it comes to social networking from Google, people haven't thrown it away! πŸ˜€
    I am surely gonna use the theme in one of my blog. Thanks for the share Pradeep!

  6. Pretty cool themes actually. Not sure if I want to go the google plus look or not, but something to play around with. They do look crisp and clean with good quality work.

  7. Thanks for sharing the themes with us. I have downloaded both themes and I am testing them on my server. I think the PlusOne theme looks great because of thumbnails and is much faster then WP Plus theme. But the author of PlusOne theme should also implement the category navigation like WP Plus theme.

  8. I like clean themes, they make page navigation easier in my opinion. Things are easier to find and there is less distraction. Thanks for sharing, will tweet πŸ™‚


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