Got a PHP Script that will run only for a specific PHP version? Want to install WordPress on a server, but you are not sure whether it will meet the requirements? Use this simple tip to remove the hassles.
1. Open notepad, copy and paste the following code.
2. Save the file as checkversion.php (or some name with .php extension).
3. Now upload this file using any FTP Client software (I prefer Filezilla) and you can check other alternatives here.
4. Now open your web browser, and type this URL –
You will get a page with all the details regarding your host. From there you can get the PHP version and your server configuration easily.
it was so simple and straight 🙂 Thanks 😀
I know about this since I have been doing some simple programming in PHP. Anyway, I think PHP version info is also displayed somewhere in cPanel, isn't it?
Simple but very much useful 🙂 thanks for sharing…it gonna try on my host 🙂
nice trick.. well i already knew my PHP version as had checked out some days back in server settings..