Create Your Own SMS Subscription Using Google Labs

There are many ways to subscribe in a blog. RSS, Email, Twitter and many more. But you can able to get the updates only when you are online. Am I right? But SMS subscription is something different. You can get the updates on the move. Google SMS Channels helps to you to create SMS Subscription Service easily. All you need for this SMS Subscription is a Mobile Phone, Mobile Number and Google Account.

SMS Subscription Service

Creating Own SMS Subscription Using Google Labs

  • First go to Google SMS Channels Homepage and login using your Google Account. If you don’t have one create it in Google main page.
  • On the SMS Channels homepage you can search for various channels and subscribe to them. All you have to do is to enter your Mobile Number. You need to verify the ownership of that number. Thats all you have successfully subscribed.;)
  • On the right side you can find a section named Create your own channel and below there is a link Try Now. Should I say click it?
  • First you have to register your mobile with Google after that only you can start your own Channel. Give your mobile number and they will send a verification code to that number. Copy and paste the number wherever they mention you to do so.
  • Now you have to enter the details of your channel. The name, description, location, and category.
  • You can either enter the Feed Address of your blog/website or if you are blogger user, then you can enter your .blogspot address.
  • Select the privacy options, you can make like this ‘Allow Publishing By’ as ‘Only Me’ and ‘Who can subscribe’ as ‘Any User’.
  • Thats all. Now click Create Channel. You have successfully created a SMS Subscription Service. Easy isn’t it ?

Now you can create a separate section in your sidebar to show off.

The SMS Subscription Service works by the Feed. Every time the feed gets updated, the subscribers will receive the new content.

You can place your Subscription link on your blog to make readers easily access.

Hope it will spread Globally.

Click To Join SMS Channel Of HellBound Bloggers !

23 thoughts on “Create Your Own SMS Subscription Using Google Labs”

  1. A mind blowing article is provided here. And it is written with great skill with great idea. Amazing sms subscription service and helpful.

  2. This is a very interesting article and blog. I intend to set up SMS subscriptions for my blog. I think it's a great idea and a nice way to engage readers.

  3. Google labs might be helpful for some. Can it be used by the people who have low class mobile phones?

  4. Im using SMSgupshup also..
    .-= sudharsan @ technoskillonline’s last blog…Badjuju just happened !? – Commentluv Problem solved =-.

  5. Now, in blogosphere, almost every blog has its sms channel.. A good post in to help others create their also!

    By the way, i contributed to hdbs by commenting and getting in top 5 of top commentators list!

  6. Owner of notmystuff.blo……
    hey can u give me u r email yahoo or google so i can make u in trouble

    heeehee jusy joking………

    i m not knowing all this stuffs man for improvement of blog can u give me u r email id id please……….


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