Check How Your Website/Blog Looks On The iPhone

iPhone TesterNot every blogger owns iPhone, but they do have a blog which gets quite some good visits from iPhone. So optimizing your websites and blogs for iPhone is a good thing, and that might also improve your brand and increases traffic. You can either optimize it completely or create an iPhone app for your blog.

Below I mentioned 2 useful web based iPhone simulators which will be useful for you to check how your sites look on Apple iPhone. You can also try iPhoney, but this one is desktop based.

Web Based Apple iPhone Simulators

#1 – TestiPhone : This is a web browser based simulator for quickly testing your iPhone web applications. This tool has been so far tested and working using Internet Explorer 7, FireFox 2 and Safari 3.

#2 – iPhone 3G/4G Tester : This is another web based iPhone simulator. To test your pages more accurately use the latest version of Safari. This simulator is an iPhone 3G/4G & iPod Touch tester.

You can also test your mobile site with these simulators. If you check your analytics you will be surprised to know how many people visit your blog from mobile/handheld devices. If you know any other online iPhone simulator, kindly share them here.

29 thoughts on “Check How Your Website/Blog Looks On The iPhone”

  1. Nice handy tool. Thanks for sharing. But too bad it didn’t support other mobile OS like Android.

  2. Even if you have WP-Mobile, or WP DPA plugins on your wordpress, these simulators show normal webpage instead of mobile specific layout. I think Opera mini simulator is better to check website on mobile.

  3. These are not true revelations of how our blog would look like, but it atleast gives us a basic idea of how our blog will fit into a particular resolution device!

  4. these days every popular blog is about to get 20-30% visitors from Handheld/ optimizing our site is the best choice for bloggers…thanks for sharing these resources..

  5. Its really worked. Can i ask you a Question Pradeep that how many mobile visitor do you have in a month or what is percentage of mobile visitors to desktop visitor ?

  6. Great application, my blog works fine when opened with this iphone simulator… any method to run iphone games on pc any emulator.

  7. hello pradeep,
    it’s a great news for all blogger specially who don’t have iPhone of their own. it’ll help them to develop their site for smart phones like iPhone. thanks a lot for sharing.

  8. I didn’t know that any such web app exists. Tested my own blog and luckily it was perfect. Good app for people who don’t own iPhone.

  9. Dude, I guess they are just iframes. My blog looks completely different when viewed on an iphone. I had a theme switcher enabled when a mobile device browses ma blog. Both these links are not switching my theme. I have tested it on android device previously and it worked fine.


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