Social Media Research Guide

If you want to be successful with social media, then it is vital that you offer posts that have some value to them. Valuable posts attract shares and likes via social media. Of course, part of the process of writing something valuable is doing your research. On this page, we are going to share with you a few ideas for researching information for social media posts.

Social Media Research Guide

Be focused

Posts designed to be shared on social media tend to be shorter. While long-form articles can work when shared with certain markets, it is the shorter posts that tend to do well. People are more likely to read them, which means they are more likely to share them.

This means that before you can even think about writing for social media, you need to have an idea about what you want to write about. Make sure that your topic is highly focused. This will aid you in your research.

While it may not necessarily have an impact on the actual research process, you may want to think a little bit about the keywords that you are planning to use here. We have no doubt that as you research your social media posts, you will be jotting down all sorts of ideas. Knowing your keywords will allow you to link up the ideas and see what is relevant and what isn’t.

Use legitimate sources

This is important. So important.

When you are researching, make sure that you use quality sources. Government websites. Educational websites. Reputable news websites. While you still won’t be able to 100% guarantee that the information that you have sourced is accurate, you stand a much better chance. Remember; if you repeatedly share incorrect information, then your social media followers will start to distrust you. When you have lost trust, you are going to find it very, very hard to earn it back.

If an idea seems a little bit dubious, then make sure that you fact check.

Obviously, you should be making a note of all the sources that you utilize for your research. Some review sites offer great information on different companies from their customers. Check this review at to better understand how they are created.

Utilize several sources

Don’t just use a single source to do your research. Use as many as you can. At the minimum, you should be using at least three different sources for your research. If you use less than that, you run the risk of simply copying the work somebody else has done. This won’t look good for you and can severely hamper your social media presence.

You may even want to go beyond the typical Google search for your writing. Why not watch some videos? How about opening a physical book? You may even want to read some government reports if that is relevant to your niche. Just collect as much information as possible.

Write notes

This is one tip that is important to us. We need to write notes. In fact, we write a lot more notes than we would ever use in our social media posts. There are a few reasons for this:

It ensures we have a lot of ideas we can use. It helps to generate future social media writing ideas. It prevents needing to research as much in the future

One thing you may want to do is get your hands on a physical notebook. Write down your notes on this. Don’t use the notepad on your computer or anything like that. Sometimes research feels a whole lot smoother, and you can generate a lot more ideas like this. This is because it is more of an active type of research.

When you have physical notes, you are also much more likely to look back on them later on down the line. Computer notes tend to get hidden away, never to be referenced again.

Know your audience

When you are doing your research, it helps to know who your audience is. If you are writing for an audience of ‘newbies’ to a hobby, then you will use a completely different set of sources when you are writing for professionals. After all, one style of social media writing needs to be simpler. You don’t want to cover complicated subjects unless you have the talent to explain them in an ‘easy to understand’ manner and, even then, the information you research may not be relevant for your target market.

Yes. Social media writing research takes a long time. However, we promise you that if you put in the effort for each and every one of your posts, your social media presence will end up benefiting.

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