This article is for bloggers who wants to check whether their blog is do follow or not and also to check whether someone’s blog is do follow or not. But I mainly check for the latter purpose ! π Recently to my dismay, I found many blogs no follow, but they claim themselves do follow ! This article will be useful for everyone to identify who is loyal and who is running a Do Follow Blog.
Easy Way For Checking Whether A Blog is Do Follow Or Not
Suppose if you want to check whether this blog is Do Follow or not ! π Do the following…
Open any article. Then Go to View | Source from your browser.
Then use the Find or Search function and find whether it has rel=βexternalβ term near to any comment. If it is present there, then that indicates my blog is a do follow blog ! π
If Β you find this term rel=βexternal nofollowβ or rel=’nofollow’ , this indicates that a blog is no-follow.
These two screenshots will help you to understand more easily. First one is from HellBound Bloggers and the next one is from some other No Follow blog. Let it be X blog.

In the above image, you can check the term rel=’external’ . This indicates that this blog is Do Follow.

In the above image, you can see rel=’external nofollow’. This indicates that this blog is not a Do Follow blog and it is a No Follow blog.
I use this to find and verify the permissions and leverage i have given to links and other stuffs.
But i heard that giving dofollow links make your PR low.It means you are sharing your Page Rank.
you can also just highlight one of the links and then click “view selection source” in firefox, this will just show the bit you want to check.
Thnkz for sharing this article bro
Thanks for your information about doFollow and noFollow blog… It's helpfull for me…
nice tip π specially for chrome users π no more fooling the newbies now π
btw i only see a handful of adsense blovks on ur blog.any specific reasons for that π ?
edit – i think it was technorati media showing ads by google π
A link is still a link even if it's Do Follow or Not, though the link juice or PR is not passed on and it will also provide some amount of traffic to your site for free. Moreover it is better to have have a mixture of both 'Do Follow' and 'No Follow' links to your site than just 'Do follow' links. So it's not a good idea to fully discount the value of a No Follow link.
Really i was searching these from long.
by d way is there any way to make all links of wordpress as nofollow ?
By default, all the links are nofollow mate. π
good way to …find……a blog is dofollow or nofollow…
.-= Dev | Technshare's last blog…<a href="">8 Tips to Increase your Google Page Rank</a> =-.
Is there any FF addons for this ???
.-= sudharsan @ technoskillonline’s last blog…Win Dell Inspiron Laptop Free β Sizlopedia Contest =-.
Yes mr. you are right but i use firefox add one named “NoDofollow” its a very useful add one… all you have to do is to press right click and click on NoDofollow and see weather the links are Dofollow are Nofollow…
Your links are dofollow thats why i am commenting on it π
Basically, I use the tool found on net to check whether blog is do follow or not. It’s faster than use view source. Somehow your method is easiest without find or download any tool.
Yup, and this one is more reliable ! π
Thanks for your first comment here buddy ! …
its a good way to find wether a blog is do-follow or not
Yeah.. the most secure and reliable one…! π
hey dude, mine also now do folow : Sri Ganesh.M it shoes like that. that means it is.
but here it have chack box, how is that
Hey dude, congrats on becoming Do Follow Friendly, hope you can feel the advantages ! π
I was wondering if my blogpost was deleted!
Just get the nofollow plugin for firefox – Nofollow are red and follow links are blue!
Thanks for sharing mate ! π
The method you post is really nice, is there any thing we can do to change the blog into a do follow blog?
Hey thanks for your first comment here buddy ! π
And I wrote one article about converting a blog into do follow ! Check that ! π
This is really useful for the budding bloggers. Keep going.
Thanks for your first comment here Amal ! π
The major aim of this tutorial is to make bloggers identify the difference between Do Follow and No Follow ! π
I don’t know about that. I never check before. I learn something new today =)
Wow ! Glad you are now aware of it ! π
Information is Wealth ! π
Good Tip! But I have also heard about a FireFox Add-On which can find weather a blog is a dofollow or not!
Yeah ! There are many plugins ! π
But this method is legitimate ! π
Yeah! you're right this method is far more easy then those FF plugins. And, really you have come up with something which is new for many of us. Thanks! π