Why You Should Start A Blog In 2018 (& How To Do It)?

With the boom in the digitalization, starting a blog will maximize your potential. It is an inexpensive way to reach out to your audience. So start a blog in 2018 and unleash your real potential. Here are a few reasons to start your blog today.

Why You Should Start A Blog How To Do It

A Blog Will Build Your Audience

A blog will help you to reach out to your audience. Explore your passion, share your views and your blog will introduce you to the people who share the same interests! A blog will help you to boost your online influence. So create quality content and engage people. The perk is, you are socializing on the basis of your mindset and thoughts. You can even opt for services like Writers Per Hour for high quality and affordable writing to make your task seamless.

Engagement and Rapport

Your coherency will result in engagement of people to your blog. Building a specific set of an audience will improve the frequency of visitors and hence develop your rapport. Show consistency in your work. Your commitment towards your blog will determine your success. Targeting a specific audience will help you boost your agenda and create your community. Demand for successful bloggers will only increase in 2018 as more companies will adopt influencers strategy to promote their product and services. Luckily, if you have good engagement with your audience, you will be rewarded heavily.

Earn Money

You can monetize your passion by imposing ad revenue. Google Adsense is the leading enterprise that provides revenue for your blog. Pay-per-click ads can be one of the primary sources to earn money from your blog. Another method of making an income through your blog is by product placement. You can sell your products or endorse other brands and enterprises. Your products can be digital services such as an Ebook or an online tutorial, or physical products that can be shipped to their doorstep. Affiliate marketing also covers a significant portion of the income sources of bloggers.

Help People

With the reach of your blog, you can spread awareness and contact people who need support and care. You can provide aid to people in need, raise funds, and meet other humanitarians. Online support groups assist people going through critical experiences and events. Your blog can make a difference and help those in need.

Improve Writing And Reasoning Skills

Blogging requires a deeper understanding of a topic. This includes exploration and extensive research. This has an upside, every day you face a new challenge where you broaden your knowledge base and improve your skills. Consistency in your blogging will develop your writing skills and help you realize the style that engages your audience.

How To Do It

Choose A Blogging Platform

Choose a platform to start your blogging, a platform that provides a secure interface and high functionality at the same time. A few examples of widely used platforms are WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger and many more. Among these WordPress is the most popular blogging platform with over 72 Million active users. Its popularity is due to the following reasons:

Open Source- Free for all, easy interface, comes with extensive functionality and features.

Secure- Constant updates and security checks. Prevents your site from being hacked.

Highly customizable- Provides a large number of themes to choose from. Many customizations available.

Register A Domain Name And Hosting

Register a domain name that is easy to remember yet descriptive about the theme of the site. For example, hellboundbloggers.com is a better choice than hell-bound-bloggers.com. Similarly, the “.com” is more widely used domain than .biz or .tk. The cost of Domain can range between $5 to $10 for a year. Web hosting should be chosen keeping the page load speed and the uptime into account. Web hosting can cost somewhere between $2 to $5 per month. Some of the best suggestions for hosting your site will be Bluehost, Godaddy, iPage and Hostgator.

Design Your Blog

Designing your blog involves choosing from a number of available themes, installing plugins and making your blog search engine friendly. WordPress provides you over 2,000 professionally designed themes to choose from. Use simpler URLs and avoid spam comments over your blog.

Add Posts And Pages

You’re all set to start posting content on your blog. Post relevant content that redirects your audience from one blog to another. This will engage them and give them more information. Post original content and share more profound insights about the topics.
Start Growing Your Blog

Promote your blog by developing connections with other bloggers in your field. Familiarise yourself with Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) and Bing Webmaster Tools. This will improve your ranking. Promote your blog to your friends and family and reach out to people on social media.

A blog is enough to make a difference in your lifestyle, your perception, and your influence on the society. A blog connects you to the world where you share your ideas and connect people who value your views and opinion.

Adela Belin is a private educator and a writer at Writers Per Hour. She shares her teaching experience with colleagues, students, and writers. Feel free to contact Adela on G+.

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