It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you start a blog. And while there are ways to not get so overwhelmed in the beginning – as a blog owner, now you need to actually keep writing. And you can get just as jaded about doing the actual writing and keeping it going. Here are a few tips to keep yourself on the straight and narrow when maintaining a blog, and some food for thought for those of you that are considering starting one.
Be Realistic
Don’t doubt that writing a blog is a time-consuming venture – especially if you want to do it well and hope that people other than your parents will read it. Perhaps one of the most important things is time management. Do you work full time? Have an active social life? Well, that needs to be taken into consideration when setting goals for how regularly you are updating your blog and writing new articles.
If you wish to maintain a happy work-life-blog balance, then you need to be honestly realistic about how much time you can commit to keeping up a blog.
Don’t tell yourself that you are going to be writing something new every day, but know in the back of your mind that you aren’t going to be able to. Then a month later when you’ve only written sporadically, you’ll be disappointed and more likely to give up on the writing all together. Whereas if you set realistic goals that you’ll be able to write two or three times a week and then a month later you meet or exceed them, you’ll be much more motivated to continue. In this case, then, it’s better to underestimate yourself and be realistic than be too ambitious. Ambition has its place, but not when it comes to setting goals for a blog.
Know Your Content
This is another problem that people who go into a blog without a plan run into. They don’t know what they’re going to talk about – so they spend hours searching the web for a lightbulb moment and never find one, thus continuing the cycle of disappointment and lack of motivation. Go into your blog knowing that you’re going to talk about cute cat videos trending today, or local events, or current international politics. Whatever. Have a narrow focus – if you get too broad and generalized the massive amounts of information available on the web will just swamp you and you’ll drown.
If You Can, Get Involved
So much of blogging is about the community. The community of the blog itself is a huge part of it (for which there is no ‘can’ you really must get involved with your blog audience on the website itself to have a successful, fulfilling blog). But now, there is also various social media networks – new ways to make connections – and getting involved in these spheres are a great way to get inspiration if you’re running out of fuel – questions that people may ask of you, or things that they’re curious about. You never know what inspiration you may find from your audience.
The Only Constant Is Change
Recognize that your blog probably isn’t going to turn out the way you expected it to. Maybe you’ll end up posting more frequently than you expected, or not as often. Maybe an unexpected topic will catch your eye and you’ll end up getting more involved in that community. Just go with it. Don’t be so obsessed with your original idea that you don’t see the opportunity that you’re heading towards. Especially in the digital world, if you can’t change with the tides and advance with the technology, you’re old news as fast as gossip spreads in high school.
Get Out!
Don’t forget that you actually have a life. Go to the movies, hang out with friends, read the newspaper. It will keep you happy, and from a more clinical perspective, when you get out and experience the world there are always new stimuli for your brain – which triggers inspiration and ideas, which can translate into a much more interesting article for your blog. And if your blog is about your life – what’s a life of sitting in front of a computer waiting for someone to comment on your blog? Not one, that’s what.
So keep all of these factors in mind when you’re balancing your work-life-blog situation and you’re definitely taking steps to have a successful blog, or at least enjoy what you’re doing and successfully integrate it into your life.
This article is written by Jessica Meyer. She is a freelance writer, frequently working with the French version of the online reputation management platform Reputation Observer. Writing is her passion, and the internet her chosen platform.
Those types of articles will be more helpful to all the people in the wide. so, i would like to say thanks for given up great post on here 🙂
I found that going out to events and shooting videos with my flip-cam is a great way to get content for my blog. My wife runs an ecommerce site that sell motorcycle and snowmobile helmets and apparel. I ride dirt bikes as a hobby.
I have gone out to a couple of events like the "Snowmobile Drag Racing" Event at West Mountain NY, and the "CATRA Black Fly Hare Scramble" in Galway NY. I bring a video camera and a note pad to jot down the who, what ,why and when info. I shoot a bunch of footage and enjoy the event. Next I do a write up on the event from a news angle and edit a video from the footage. The video get put up on and pulled into my event write up in the blog.
People who participate in the events have found, commented and shared these resources.
It is work but the content part happens very easily.
Hey thanks for the tips. Having just jumped on to blogging, yet it really is a big task. These tips help put things into more of a perspective.
thanx for the article……this will be a real help for me
first of all we need to write a post with unique and latest trending news on the internet then we can get better results at the end. 🙂
From here,i gather a lot of information on here without any doubt. So, i would like to say thanks for sharing your post on here 🙂 Great post on here 🙂
Great Post Jessica! Allowing guest posting is the one of the best way to keep your blog content fresh.
Thanks for sharing this great Post!
Thanks for the article. I also belive in being a bit controversial when doing a blog post. That way its easier to get people to respond to the post.
Quality of writing is the main thing in blog post it's play a very big role in any blog post because if blog post matter will not look good in read then no body will show interest in that.
I blog every night after I finish my work and take only one of the weekends for my blogging. That is why I agree with the last point 'Get out!' where I should not just blog all the time and not forgetting myself.
The get out part is the best because something people just can't put down the mouse.
"Black Seo Guy "Signing Off"
Hi Jessica!
It is real easy to forget the last one! And sometimes even when I do get out, I'm constantly attached to my phone. Hah!
There really should be a standard eBook that all bloggers should be handed when they're about to purchase a domain and hosting. 🙂
Great tips!
I always get good ideas from news aggregator sites like alltop and I'll go over to google trends to see if the topic is trending.
For time managment i wrote
A guest post at mybloggertricks blog. here it is.
What a crucial message you make. It seems to me that many bloggers get obsessed about their blog, and everything you have to do to make it work. It takes over their life, wrecking their work – life balance. I admit I love blogging, and am excited at the growth and development of my blog, but i make sure i set myself a specific time i will spend blogging each day, and this way i stay in control.