HOW TO: Use Free Google Web Fonts On Your Blog

I have been testing Google Web Fonts on some of my clients’ websites, and thought of making this as a post for others to know about the power of Google Web Fonts. You can easily implement that on your blog by adding few lines of code.

Google Web Fonts allows you to browse all the fonts available via the Google Web Fonts API. All fonts in their directory are available for use on our website. You can also check our list of sites to download free fonts.

Using Free Google Web Fonts On Your Blog

1. Go to Google Web Fonts and search for your favorite font. Now click on that font. Here I have used the font ‘Meddon’.

Google Web Fonts

This page gives all the information about that particular font, the designer’s name, license and so on. You can preview those fonts and you can also download them for offline use.

2. Now select the option “Use this font” and you can get the code for embedding this font on your blog/website.

Google Web Fonts - Use This Font

The code will look like this,

<link href=’’ rel=’stylesheet’ type=’text/css’>

To embed this font (Meddon) into your web page copy the above code as the first element in the <head> of your html document.

For modifying the font family tag in CSS stylesheet, you can use

h1 { font-family: ‘Meddon’, arial, serif; }

So what is your opinion about Google Web Fonts? Have you used them on your blog? Do share your opinions below as comments.

15 thoughts on “HOW TO: Use Free Google Web Fonts On Your Blog”

  1. But what is the big advantage of using G W F except beauty, custom or variety?
    I heard that "if we use Google web fonts then we don't have to think about which fonts are installed on users system, because browsers automatically recognizes them".
    But you didn't mentioned it!

    • The Google Font API is one of the most easy to use custom web font solutions out there. With just a line of code youโ€™re ready to import a range of custom fonts from the Google Font Directory.

      The Google Font API works like a charm in most browsers.

      The Google Font Directory includes a range of tasteful and stylish fonts to choose from, as well as a selection of more decorative options.

      All fonts are released under an Open Source license, so the Google Font API can be used in both your commercial and personal projects.

      Text rendered using the Google Font API is still selectable, which is one drawback with some solutions like SiFR.

      The Google Font API doesnโ€™t rely on JavaScript, so the customized fonts still show if the user has JavaScript disabled.

      Because the fonts are rendered with good old CSS, any additional styling such as the CSS3 text-shadow property can be added.

  2. Google Web fonts is an easy way to add more font options to your web designs, without having to revert to images. And it is really easy to use.


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