Every blogger in the blogosphere is aware about BuySellAds. A space which one could not have sold by directly approaching to advertisers, can be sold using BSA. That’s the technique. Four weeks back my blog was approved by BSA. So I thought of sharing some tips and suggestions I got from the site and other fellow bloggers for getting your blog approved by BSA.
This is what Harsh Agarwal of Shout Me Loud feels about BuySellAds,
“I do not need to worry about my ad inventory, neither I need to contact advertisers. All I need to take care of quality of posts and advertisers will find my blog and everything including payment and adding ads are managed by BSA.”
BuySellAds (BSA) will approve your blog only if it has…
- We are currently focused on the tech / web design / development / freelancer niche. While we do occasionally accept sites outside of this niche, you may be denied if you are not in this niche.
- Greater than 100K impressions per month (for new sites, if you (or your team) have a history of creating really nice websites we will accept you).
- Your website must be live, finished, and have fresh content.
- No porn or anything illegal or containing even remotely “questionable” content.
- Site must be in English (sorry, we’re just not able to provide support in other languages right now).
- If you have a ton of untargeted ads on your site already, we’re not going to approve you (you know who you are).
- If you do not have your own domain (i.e. you have a *.blogspot.com url) we will not approve you.
- Getting denied does not mean that we will not approve you at a future date.
- Last, but not least: we’re not trying to be snobby, but we aim to keep the quality of the network high, and if we feel that your site impeedes on the perception of the network we will not approve you.
Tip : 7 Basic Tips For Improving Your Blog’s Alexa Rank

How to get approved by BuySellAds (BSA) Easily ?
- Maintain a clean and neat blog design and layout.
- Update your blog consistently (daily).
- Maintain a niche based blog : Technology, Twitter, Web designer, Development, WordPress, Freelancing and Web2.0
- Your blog should have a custom domain. Hard luck for BlogSpot users.
Tip : Use A Custom Domain For Your Blogger Blogs
If rejected,when can i reapply?
Venkatesh, that depends on why they rejected a blog. So if you can correct those issues, you can reapply after a considerable period.
You are lucky (your blog stats good) they accepted you to their network. I applied 5 times but they rejected my request. It seems the traffic and alexa rank is the main problem for me. My alexa is always above 100k irrespective of what ever I did to improve it.
Greatly and nicely explained tips to get approved.
Hi folks,
You must check out AdVeler.com we are new but we have come up with a solid idea of assigning every publisher with his own team and they will take care of all your advertising needs. and also they wont be paid till they bring advertisers to you’re door….and for all this you don’t have to pay quarter of you’re income we just charge 15% !!!
nice tips , i like you article , can i got buysellsads if i have below 100k traffic
Since from a long time i'm planning to apply for BSA ads but i was on blogspot domain so thy rejected me so came up with a new one and trying to drive traffic first as soon as i get traffic i'll reapply for BSA ads. Thank Q for the tips to get approved.
I read this review and i want give some advice about free tool i use on my blog, tool called Komoona and it let the advertiser and site reader to create and upload ads and also pay for it from blog page, no need to be approved and i really like and recommend to any one!!
BSA also i know very good! good luck!!
I am not getting that much traffic as of now… Should I apply for BSA or wait.. till my blog develops that much traffic?
This is probably the best and to-the-point writeups about BSA that I have seen.
I accept with the criteria and other stuff. But, I don’t understand one thing with BuySellAds. They accepted a site which has got low impressions and visitors per month when compared to mine and the design too looks pretty bad. How is that possible? Do you think they accept sites which are run on WP?
If you are investing a lot of time and effort on your site to come up with good content then surely you will get listed in BSA.
I got rejected by BSA. 🙁
BSA has rejected my blog twice… I hope that someday they will accept it.. I am definitely going to use these tips
Ok..thanks. I’ll keep trying to submit my blog to BSA.. I hope can be approved. 😀
Mine is quite not a blog but has high and increasing traffic. Hopefully will be accepted 🙂
advertisespace.com is a good alternate for bsa.
I also got rejected by BuysellAds, may be due to lack to visitors..
Thanks for the info……mate..
.-= Dev | Technshare's last blog…<a href="http://www.technshare.com/tips-to-increase-page-rank/">8 Tips to Increase your Google Page Rank</a> =-.
Man Don’t loose heart. No one in the world achieve overnight sucess. Dont just blog, keep learning as much as you can.
Thanks sushant…
Hope that Nice day will come soon in my life..
.-= sudharsan @ technoskillonline’s last blog…TeraCopy – Copy all Files at Lightning Speed =-.
I think im having all the qualities you said here..except TRAFFIC … 🙁
im struggling a lot
.-= sudharsan @ technoskillonline’s last blog…TeraCopy – Copy all Files at Lightning Speed =-.
BuySellAds is one of my target in blogging to join. Still working on the impressions per month now 😉
How did it go about getting approved for them?? If you are accepted how is BUYSELLADS ??
.-= NpXp’s last blog…5 Awesome Free Black WordPress Themes For Your Blog =-.
I am not new to blogging and truly value your site. There is much innovative subject that peaks my interest. I am going to bookmark your web site and keep checking you out.
Pradeep, what is your experience with BSA? Do all the ad spots offered through BSA are filled up regularly? And, how much % commission they take?
Ma experience is quite bad Ashok… 😀
It will be filled only if the advertisers find it useful! 😉
They take almost 25% commission I guess.. bad…
You are now blogging like a Pro man., what started from a Newbie..
Ha ha.. 😀
Thanks for the words bro.. 🙂
ah.. so i don’t have a chance to get approve by BSA.
anyway, do you have another tips on how to get more advertisers to our blog?
besides making good posts.
Buddy.. you can try custom domain name for your blog.. then your blog will be easily approved! 🙂
Well i have applied for buysells ads hope i will be approved thanks for this great post and congratulations for getting google page 3
do hellboun.. use buysells ads?I think it pretty touch to get approved.you need to have basically lot of unique visitor each month
Well.. it is not that hard Zeesu… it takes some time though…
I have to wait for some more time to get approved..
Cool buddy ! 🙂
It will soon be approved ! 😉
they have approved my blog recently.. waiting for the advertisers.. 😀
Congs buddy.. advertisers will come soon! 😉
looks like maybe now i will get accepted.
That’s great. Ping me after you get approved ! 😉
I have two blog, my first blog have page views lesthan 5k/month, and BSA was approved. My other blog have page views about 15k but BSA rejected my submission 4 times :(. I guess BSA considering my twitter follower. Because i have 1.5k follower on my first blog.
Cool ! Thanks for sharing that mupet ! 😉
Welcome to HellBound Bloggers ! ..
I applied but they rejected may be because of less no of PV’s, and wide area of topics i cover in my site, i am thinking of a revamp soon.
Oh. This time your blog will be surely approved.. blog’s Alexa Rank is amazing ! I envy it ! 😀
I still recommend BSA even though they are not so customer friendly and they are almost not even replying to any queries. That’s the biggest problem with BSA.
Oh, I don’t know about that Karthik ! 😉
I never asked them any queries though ! 😀
Thanks for sharing your experience ! ..
Congrats, Pradeep. I haven’t got to try that yet. Not sure if I can make it through daily posting though. Good tip, at least I can keep this in mind whenever I feel like trying. Appreciate the review. Hope you’ll start earning big bucks soon! ^^
Social/Blogging Tracker
Glad you found this review useful Ching Ya . BSA reduces and manages Time. It is a must for busy bloggers ! 😀
Thanks for the tips..Off late i noticed your blog was approved by them..Cheers 🙂
😀 Well.. that is not a big issue I guess..
Thanks ” Harsh Agarwal ” and Pradeep
Thanks Anish ! 😉
And thanks Harsh ! 😛
I got my site GoogleAdSenseGenerator.com turned down. Personally I think I manage all of their demands, but apparently not.
Oh. Hard Luck. But don’t lose hope Shefan.. still that blog can be approved ! 😉
As BSA says, “Getting denied does not mean that we will not approve you at a future date.” Cheers !
I haven’t yet got any Advertisers from BSA. But I am being approached by Advertisers directly!
I think they would have came by seeing your blog’s listing in BSA ! Lets hope positively ! 😉
@Tech-Freak Stuff your blog is good but your theme is very mixed up. You should make it look simple.
Dinesh, I think his theme is fine ! Even Digital Inspiration uses this sort of theme ! 😉
The theme doesn’t seem to have any problem! Anyways, I am going to shift to a premium theme Soon! Thanks Dinesh for your suggestions.
Cool ! All the best Rohit ! 😉
Many people will not like the idea of buysellads but I prefer it better.. Another good alternative will be OIO publisher.
I haven’t tried OIO. But I think advertisers will get tired by following the procedures ! 😀
BSA are now most assorted ones right after adsense , will try it but whats exactly OIO publisher , heard it 1st time , and its only for wp blogs:P
OIOpublisher is an ad manager that focuses on maximising your revenue, saving you time, and keeping you in complete control of your ad space.
This info taken from its website ! 😀
yea, they will always claim that 😉
Thanks for the info…
My blog somehow got approved but I am still struggling to find my first advertiser.Any solution to that??
Hmm.. just blog to the core dude ! 😀
And your stats will have tremendous increase. Then advertisers will flow ! Cheers ! 😉
thanks for sharing buddy,Yes BSA is best i already applied for it but they rejected my blog. hope this information help me.
I think this time your blog will be approved. Because your stats are nice. All the best ! 🙂
very important post. i was also rejected by bsa. i dont know what 100k impression ?? , is ti page views or hits. up to yesterday stats i have 39844 page hits. so which one i wnat to accept it. can any one check it my stats and say to me. what i need to join.
Ganesh, they are nothing but the page views of the ad slots after joining BSA ! 😉
And I can’t give a specific tip, but blog, blog and blog ! 😀
happy new year 2010 | update my blog got approved by bsa and got my first sponsor in few hrs , thanks for the support and thank to god | he have mercy on me | yes ” i believe in god “