Logo.com Sold For $500,000 (via Sedo)

Logo.comLogo.com, LLC recently announced that they bought the domain name Logo.com for $500,000 through domain marketplace Sedo.

Logo.com will provide logo design as well as website design, business card and letterhead design and printing services. The company also plans to introduce other small business services, such as domain registration, Internet marketing consulting and accounting.

The price tag on the domain name puts the sale in the eleventh spot of top sales for 2010, tied with IPO.com but well behind number one, Slots.com ($5.5 million). Logo.com, LLC is a privately held Illinois corporation. It was founded in 2010 and headquartered in Chicago. Logo.com provides logo and graphic design services for small businesses worldwide. Logo.com’s website is scheduled to launch in Q1 2011.

[via TechCrunch]

21 thoughts on “Logo.com Sold For $500,000 (via Sedo)”

  1. the best thing about such generic names is , they dont need google to rank them , its easy to remember and hence goes viral when people start talkig about it …just like every internet user knows google . they dont need to google to find google … isnt it ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. if you think the domain owner only made the huge, think how much sedo generated through this deal. sedo got commission of $50,000 that’s 10%.

  3. Wow, that’s amazing… but I have to admit this domain name is short and nice, no wonder it can fetch such a good sum! I wonder how much my domain can fetch? Any gals and dudes here want to make me an offer? ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. that’s really a big amount…the investor wud get his investment back in a year span and den profits…i wish i wud had owned this domain..lolz…:)

  5. I wish I would have born 10 years earlier so that I could buy some nice domain names like this and sell it now. :-p


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