If you are familiar with the PC and video game console, you know the accessories, mouse, console controller, and keyboard, as well. Without these components, it would be nearly impossible to play video games unless you utilized a mobile device. It depends on the player but some prefer the keyboard and mouse to the console controller and vice versa. Whatever the case may be, these accessories share some similarities and differences. Below, you will discover a comparison of the mouse, keyboard, and console controller.

PC Versus Game Console
Just about every aspect of gaming is geared toward preference. While some players prefer playing games on the PC, others prefer the game console. But, which one of these platforms is better for playing video games? Well, it is really difficult to say. And, if you ask players they will gladly tell you they have a preference.
To play video games on a PC, you need a mouse and/or keyboard. To play video games on a console, you need a controller. The button layout is unique for all of these devices. But, what makes these devices so unique is they are customizable. Players can customize the console controller, mouse, and keyboard to suit their needs and preferences. However, the console controller is more versatile, which is why it is more preferred than the mouse and keyboard setup.
When it comes to convenience, the mouse and keyboard are lacking in a few ways. With the console controller, you have everything you need at your fingertips. With the mouse and keyboard, some games require players to switch from one to another to perform specific actions. One thing that avid gamers demand from their gaming accessories is convenience.
Some players are willing to sacrifice convenience just to utilize the PC platform for gaming. So, again, the decision is still based on preference.
Mouse and keyboard versus console controller on portability. Before the introduction of the wireless console controller, the portability rating for both the keyboard and mouse setup and console controller was pretty much the same. With that said, it is easy to see that the wired console controller is still more portable than the keyboard and mouse. This is more obvious when you compare dealing with a single console controller to two PC controllers, the mouse/keyboard setup.
The wireless console controller offers more portability than all the other options. Sometimes it depends on the type of game you are playing. If you are playing pokies at Sbobet88, portability may not be that big of a deal. But, if you are playing an online action game with friends, portability could make it or break it.
Flexibility is limited when utilizing the keyboard and mouse setup. The wireless console controller is also limited on flexibility but it is still a big step up from the keyboard and mouse. The wired console controller is going to offer the most flexibility. However, the level of flexibility offered by the wireless console controller will depend on the wireless range. Even if the wireless range is limited, the wireless controller will still offer more flexibility than all the other options.