How To Secure Your Company’s Digital Footprint

The digital sector has become an essential part of modern life in the recent past. With all this time spent online and sharing information, you may be wondering about the security of your data. Aside from it, it’s worth noting how to ensure your data is safe from hackers or other threats. 

Luckily, there are a few ways you can secure your company’s digital footprint with minimal effort. Keep on reading for the top tips.

  1. Use Strong Passwords

Your computer and phone passwords are your first line of defense against cyber-attacks. A reliable password should be at least eight characters long and include a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.

When it comes to keeping safe online, you can take a course to learn how to manage your passwords. A secure password manager is an excellent way to keep all of your passwords in one place and make them difficult to crack.

Another trick you can utilize is to enable two-factor authentication on your devices and accounts. Two-factor authentication requires you to provide two pieces of information, usually a password and a code that’s sent to your phone to log in. This adds an extra layer of security and makes it more difficult for someone to access your account even if they manage to steal your password.

  1. Install Anti-virus Software

Another way to protect your company’s digital footprint is by installing anti-virus software on its computer systems. The use of devices with an internet connection has become an integral part of businesses. Therefore, companies must take steps to help secure their digital footprint from any external threats.

Anti-virus software provides a layer of security against online threats like viruses, worms, Trojans, etc. This can be risky not only to the business as it could compromise a well-functioning device and the information of the employees and customers.

Hence, it’s recommended that every company install malware protection to prevent these types of attacks from happening due to their approach towards securing data stored electronically within the organization.

  1. Back-Up Your Company’s Data

You never know when hackers will likely strike, so it’s essential to have a backup plan in place. Make sure you’re regularly backing up your company’s data so you can restore it if something happens. There are several available services to help back up your data securely, so find one that works best for you and make sure you’re using it regularly.

  1. Monitor Your Employee Internet Usage

Your employees spend a lot of time online and may not be following the security guidelines you’ve given them. Hence, you can monitor their internet usage to see if they access certain websites that could put your company at risk.  It can also help you determine if any of your employees are leaking sensitive data to competitors.

  1. Restrict Access To Sensitive Data

Your company data is the core of your business. So, it would be best if you kept it secure at all costs. Therefore, not all team members should have access to your most sensitive data. You should carefully consider who has access to this information and restrict it to only those who need it.

To do this, you should implement the Principle of Least Privilege (POLP) in your company. This principle dictates that a user is only granted access to the minimum amount of data and systems required to perform their job.

For example, if there’s no need for a team member from one department to have access to specific files or software used by employees working on another project, they shouldn’t be given such rights. 

  1. Keep Your Data Encrypted At All Times

If someone gains unauthorized physical or remote network access to your servers through one of your endpoints, all your data could be at risk. To safeguard your data from these threats, you should always encrypt it. This can be done with a variety of encryption algorithms and tools. For instance, you can rely on BitLocker or FileVault to encrypt your company’s hard drives. 

  1. Secure Your Websites

Websites offer a wealth of information about your company and can be a valuable target for attackers. At the same time, hackers can use websites to spread malware, steal data, and phish your customers. Here are some simple tips to help secure your company’s websites:

  • Be vigilant about updates.
  • Choose your host wisely.
  • Install a malware scanner.
  • Use SSL (and HSTS).
  • Secure your databases.
  • Log everything and keep an eye on the logs.
  • Train your staff.

Final Word

In this digital era, securing your company’s digital footprint should be your first concern. If you manage to do so, then you can rest assured that every action happening in your business will always be safe and secure.

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