A side income makes you feel empowered and well off when you already have something else to do. Doesn’t earning some extra money without a lot of hustle and bustle sound superficial?
Well, it is time that we can make it real.
Ever wondered how to earn some extra monetary rewards by not slogging day and night? Or earning a backup income to pay off your bills?
Well, that is exactly what Jobket offers you!

Jobket is a platform that empowers you to enter into its unique job referral program and earn rewards.
Perplexed about what a job referral program really means? Let’s find out.
Primarily, a job referral program is a system which allows employers to find talented candidates with the help of their employees’ networks. It basically allows employees of the companies to undertake a silent part of course of action of recruitment of the company.
A job referral platform is considered as one of the most successful and creative programs that has shown tremendous success. Many top notch companies look out for such referral programs to hire ideal candidates.
But, there is one idiosyncratic feature that separates Jobket’s job referral program. Under their program, you can refer good candidates to multitudinous companies.
So, you don’t have to be an employee of the company for referring a candidate to it. You can simply refer a good candidate directly for as many companies as you want via Jobket.
First, let’s see why you should enter into a job referral program:
Well, it is rightly said, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
Supporting a friend might seem hard but you can now do your bit and help the person in need.
Referring candidates is the best way to help a friend or family member looking for jobs to find the perfect job. Your friend will have a higher chance of getting hired and finding the right place for himself.
A job referral program has a brilliant, high conversion rate. A candidate is more likely to be hired via referrals than those hired via traditional recruitment procedure.
Refer and earn rewards for every successful referral! All you’ve to do is refer an ideal candidate for a job posting and your job is done.
If hired, your account will be credited with rewards. Even the minimum that you earn with Jobket is good enough to be called an additional income. Isn’t this an extremely attractive incentive?
Making references doesn’t require you to spend chunks of money. Referrals on Jobket are made for free! Yes, no investment at all!
The platform is definitely a great source of encouragement to find ideal candidates.
And guess what? There is no restriction to the number of referrals that you can make. So, sign up for innumerable number of referrals.
With you referring good candidates, employers are able to bring on board some brilliant employees. The program also helps the company to identify talent for positions that are not easy to fill.
Human Resources Manager spends months in filling a job opening. Also, the costs and time involved in a recruitment process gets reduced as the entire process gets simpler.
The company saves a lot of time that would have been utilized in scrutinizing and screening applications and conducting tests and interviews. The referral program is just the policy to lessen the baggage of heavy burden on the shoulders of human resource professionals.
It helps companies to find a pool of talent that would be of good quality since they are referred by people.
Now, let’s suppose a company receives an order and needs to hire talented and skilled people. The conventional route of recruitment would take up as long as a month and company would end up losing the massive order it bagged.
In such a situation, referral programs come to the rescue.
Since the referred candidates are family members of friends, there are higher chances of them being highly productive and contributing to the timely achievement of goals of the company.
So, it shoots up the interests of the company to hire an awesome, engaging workforce.
Recruitment through referrals is as up as 10-20%. Job Referral program is a win-win for all three parties involved – Companies, Potential employees and You.
By doing as simple a thing as referring, you are benefitting so many people. With Jobket, offering you this unique feature, let’s turn to it and see what’s in store.
Now, let’s how you can enter into the job referral program on Jobket!
Suppose you want to refer your family member for the position of senior Digital Marketing manager, who has an experience of about 3-4 years. Follow the 4-step formula of referral.
Sign up on Jobket and create your account with fundamental personal details to find preferred jobs for referring. Next time you visit the platform, all you’ve to do is log in to and activate your account.
Now, you can search for jobs in Digital Marketing using parameters such as job location, work position, work experience, etc. Check out job descriptions and requirements of multiple companies. Filter companies that you think your family member is suited for.
Once you are sure that the skill set of the family member matches with the job description posted by the company, you can proceed.
Apply by using the family member’s job descriptions either on social networking platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, email or LinkedIn or by simply, referring on Jobket’s website.
If the candidate referred gets hired by the company, you will be rewarded. A minimum of Rs. 40000 cash prize will be honoured on Jobket. Who doesn’t appreciate a special advantage?
Not just monetarily, but emotionally and psychologically also, you are earning recognition and praise from the employers and your family members, now the selected employees of the company.
Now that you know the secret to earn additional rewards, without wasting much time, start referring! Be a part of this sound unique job referral program of Jobket.
Nakul having experience of Digital Industry in marketing, branding & communication solutions, interactive technology development, managing integrated campaigns, project management, App marketing and business development. Launched www.jobket.in a unique referral job platform that brings out quality in the hiring process! Jobket is a platform that allows users to find suitable jobs for yourself and your family & friends.