HOW TO: Embed Part Of An YouTube Video

Earlier we wrote how to embed Facebook videos on your blog and download YouTube videos, now we are going to see how to embed part of an YouTube video. Suppose if you want to embed an YouTube video which contains lots of advertisement at the beginning and end, you can tweak the code to avoid them. This simple tip will help you cut off those parts in the video and embed it.

Default original iFrame code for a video :

<iframe width=”620″ height=”490″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

You just need to add the parameter &start= to this code.

Below I mentioned the modified code for iFrame player.

<iframe width=”620″ height=”490″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

You can check the demo video using this tip below.

Here I have used &start=20, that means it skips the first 20 seconds of the video. Similarly, you can also add &end= parameter to make the video stop at a particular point.

You can also use third-party sites like TubeChop and Splicd for cropping the YouTube videos.

8 thoughts on “HOW TO: Embed Part Of An YouTube Video”

  1. That's a unique post. Also, can you tell me how to block youtube link opening feature when any one is clicking on videos on my blog? Usually if we click twice in middle of the video, it will take to youtube page, How to block that feature?

  2. You're teaching Zoom Effect in PS or telling us how to embed youtube videos parts? πŸ˜€

    Anyways, awesome trick you found and thanks for sharing it with us. πŸ™‚

  3. I was looking for such an article.

    Now I can embed a part of YouTube with my blog or website.

    Sometimes you do not want to embed whole video hence now you can upload a part of it.


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