The causes of stress are diverse. One of the most common is considered stress due to study. This is the name of the condition, which is characterized by excessive tension of the body, while reducing emotional and intellectual potential, resulting in mental illness, a stop in the college student’s self-development. During the session, college students are massively exposed to stress. The danger of this condition lies in the negative impact on the health of the nervous, cardiovascular, and immune systems of the body. Is there any way to deal with stress successfully? One of the ways is to ask for custom college writing help. Find out what methods to deal with college tasks effectively exist. Check stress management tips for college students on how to avoid the negative consequences of stress.

What is Pareto’s law and how can it help you in managing time?
According to the representatives of the student organization, the most common problems that young people come up with include a violation of the working rhythm, a failure in the educational process, problems with academic performance and self-organization, lack of time, depression, fear of exams, new busy schedule, etc. The list can be continued. With a heavy workload and the first symptoms of stress, you can resort to the Pareto law.
The Pareto law, better known as “the 80/20 Rule,” comes to the aid of the college student. According to this combination, managing your time rationally, only 20 percent of the effort expended gives 80 % of the result you expect to get. You’ll need to spend the biggest part of efforts and energy on “polishing.” Understanding how great law works, you can enjoy lots of benefits and succeed in studies. Many successful businessmen also follow the rule presented by the well-known sociologist.
The main thing is to prioritize
Most people do the same mistake. Having lots of tasks, they prefer to start doing the simplest first. Such an approach to dealing with responsibilities creates an illusion that half of the tasks has been done already. Prioritizing means to do vital tasks and then proceed to those, which aren’t of such a great importance. The basic rule is: “You need to prioritize correctly.” The word “priority” itself contains the Latin prefix “prio”, which means “before.”
Set a goal and make a list of things for its achievement. If the session is approaching, most start panicking. Instead of this, you need to ask yourself, what subjects you should devote more time to, what to learn today, and what assignments can be completed until tomorrow.
Delegate responsibilities
Combining study with work, you’re likely to face a need to cope with extra commitments. According to Pareto’s law, not every task requires one hundred percent return. If a colleague and classmate strive to give you a couple more tasks, you need to learn how to refuse. Experts see another way out of this situation in the delegation of authority. Some manage to delegate part of their tasks to colleagues. Today, college students can entrust the most difficult college tasks to editing services. Academic helpers may help you write perfect papers at the price you can afford. It’s a great chance to save valuable time for things that matter to you. In order to avoid stress and not feel cornered, you need to plan your time correctly. And the Pareto law can help to focus on the most important things.
How to survive the stress of final exams: 10 +tips
To easily avoid stress and its consequences, use a few simple tips.
- Tip 1: Think about the victory.
Set yourself up for victory and never think about losing. Inspire yourself that nothing bad will happen, even if the result is worse than you expected. Nobody is going to punish you because of this, the world won’t collapse, you won’t stop breathing. Everything will remain as it was.
- Tip 2: Prepare for exams in advance.
Begin exam preparation in advance. Distribute the load correctly, do not start with the questions you know the answers to. This is self-deception. This gives the impression you know everything, and then there is no time left for complex material. Such an approach creates an additional stressful situation.
- Tip 3: Make notes.
How to deal with stress during exams? Write helpful notes when preparing for an exam. You do not need to use them, moreover, nowadays, it isn’t as easy as ABC to use them. However, when writing cribs, you remember everything much better than when you read it normally. Highlight the main points, they’ll become “beacons” for you, guided by which you can easily recall the rest of the material. They’ll lead you through the waves of memory, and you’ll feel that understanding of these theses is equal to a complete knowledge of the material.
- Tip 4: Don’t cram!
Try not to cram, but to disassemble the examination material. If you just memorize the correct answer, it’ll be very easy to confuse you with an additional question. As a result, you’ll experience stress. This is especially true for exams when the college teacher interviews a student.
- Tip 5: Speak out answers.
Speak the answers to the exam questions out loud. Well, if at the same time one of the parents or classmates will be present. So you get an audience that usually scares the responder, makes him/her nervous and stray. But after such rehearsals, you can safely “go out to the public”. This won’t distract you from thoughts or from the answers themselves.
- Tip 6: Clarify the incomprehensible.
If you don’t understand something in the material that you learn to pass the exams, don’t hesitate to go to the teacher and ask to explain difficult points to you personally. A teacher isn’t less interested in having the exams passed well than you, so he/she is unlikely to refuse your request.
- Tip 7: Follow the regimen.
Do not prepare for exams at night. Attachment to your usual way of life can make it clear to your body and your nervous system that nothing out of the ordinary happens. Exams are ordinary workdays with the only difference being a little more intense. The right attitude to the situation allows avoiding stress.
- Tip 8: Take breaks.
Take breaks in exam preparation every 45 minutes. Take 10-minute breaks to drink juice, do eye exercise or just stand by the window or on the balcony. So, your nervous system will tune in to a regular lesson, the material will be better absorbed, and you’ll be less stressed.
- Tip 9: Breath fresh air regularly.
Try to find time to walk more often. Two hours of walking before bedtime relieve stress better than any antidepressant and sedative. Besides, even by ancient scientists, it was proved that walking helps to better digest and assimilate the knowledge gained, stimulates brain activity. The evening promenade will help you calm down, relieve stress, and sleep well. That is, so you get rid of insomnia – a constant companion of a stressful state.
- Tip 10: Exclude coffee and tea.
During exams, don’t abuse coffee and very strong tea. This exacerbates stress, acts depressingly on the nervous system. Nervous arousal becomes even stronger, nervousness increases. The same applies to energy drinks, which are so popular now. Give preference to vegetables and fruit.
- Tip 11: Eat healthy foods.
Eat regularly giving preference to healthy foods. Firstly, food breaks provide an opportunity to relax, switch, relieve stress. And secondly, a balanced and competent diet will support the body weakened by a stressful situation. Eat foods, which serve the best sources of energy to get rid of stress. Include chocolate and bananas to your daily ration. It was discovered that they have a good impact on the nervous system – they help the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, popularly called the hormone of joy. The charge of vivacity and good mood are carried by citrus fruits.
Say “No” to stress using the tips! Hope the above-listed recommendations will help you to cope with stress effectively!