Tips To Choose A Good Domain Name

Domain NamesWhen you plan to launch a new site, one of the most important steps you need to take is to choosing the domain name.

A good domain name can drive a lot of traffic, so it is worth taking the time to find one and register it with a free domain name registration service.

A Good Domain Name Describes the Site

It might be obvious, but people frequently forget that a domain name must describe the site and be easy to remember. These two factors are vital because they alone can drive you a lot of traffic and make it easier for visitors to find your site.

You can use free domain name registration tools to find easy to remember, good, and free domain names. Find such a domain name, register it, find the best website hosting possible and you are on your way.

A Good Domain Name Contains Keywords

When your domain name contains the keywords you target at, this is a huge bonus in many aspects. First, a keyword or more in the domain name does describe your site. Second, a keyword in your domain name will help you rank better with search engines, thus bringing you more traffic.

After you select the keywords to include in your domain name, the next step is to use a free domain registration service and check what’s available. Depending on the keywords you have chosen, it might not be that easy to find a free domain name you like but with some persistence, you will be able to find a suitable domain name for your site.

Good Domain Names Are Short

You might be tempted to pick a domain name with three or more keywords but this will make the domain name very long. Long domain names aren’t a great idea because they are hard to forget and it will be more difficult for your visitors to find your site.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should go for a short or very short domain name on all accounts, even if such a domain name is available but all equal, the shorter the domain name, the better. Shorter domain names are easier to memorize and are better for branding.

For example, if you want to launch a site called β€œComputer Software”, (or is a much better option that You just need to balance shortness and readability of your domain name.

Creative Domain Names Are Better

Creative domain names give your site a unique touch. Generic domain names are good, but creative domain names are probably a bit better. This means, that even if the generic domain name you want is free, you could try to do a bit of brainstorming and come up with a creative name instead.

For instance, if and are both taken, you could modify your domain name a bit to make it more creative. However, try to keep at least one of the keywords.

The process of choosing a good domain name might seem very painful and time consuming at times but it will be worth the effort. If you manage to come up with a descriptive, short, keyword-rich domain name, you are almost done. Use a free domain name registration tool to find such a domain name and once you find it, register it right away because, if you don’t, somebody else might pick it in the meantime. If you have already found the best website hosting, well then you are on the right track to website success.

34 thoughts on “Tips To Choose A Good Domain Name”

  1. Most important thing about choosing a domain is that you must choose a unique one, It will stand with no similarity and you will have better search engine visibility for your brand.

  2. I'm in the process of naming and creating my first website and I'm reading everything I can find about quality domain names. Thanks for your very well written and informative article, I think you are spot on when you say a good name is creative and short. I also found this article helpful: Maybe it will help some of your readers as well.

  3. Choosing a domain is a very important part that should not be rushed. A good domain name can help in so many ways so I always take my time. I'm often reading through other articles to get some ideas for my next domain name and I think that your article is great.

  4. There’s more to registering domain names than most people realize. To be fair, it’s not tricky by any means, but if you usually do not cover all your bases to start with it could come back to haunt you afterwards.

    That’s why it’s helpful to maintain a few things in mind prior to get started and as you are going through the method.

  5. Well, these are some very good and very effective tips in order to choose the best and most appropriate domain name, you should also utilize your effective domain name in your keyword too so that your keyword should be viewed more and more by the search engine crawler and chances of getting your site to the top ranking will increase…

  6. I think that domain names shouldn’t be more than 10 alphabets.It should be attractive and catchy,name that your readers remember

  7. At times I thought if I could go back in time will I do it differently with my own domain. Probably yes, and no. πŸ™‚ But certainly, for the new sites if I’m about to build them, I’ll definitely go for keyword-related choices. You’ve given all solid advices here, following them.

    Social/Blogging Tracker

  8. These are some really tips pradeep. "Domain Contains Keywords" is very important point to choose a good domain. name. !! Thanks for sharing this great post. great work buddy. πŸ™‚

  9. a good one !! but i agree to some of the comments here, that we dont get short names and the ones which are in dictionary !!

  10. I once again went through your article i totally agree with your 1st and 2nd points, they are really important πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  11. Hi brother thanks for the tips, I have made mistake while choosing the domain name. I have use keyword on my domain name but I choose such like that, it is very difficult to remember for visitors.

  12. I agree with short/memorable/brandable, descriptive, with at least one KW if possible; don't kill yourself over it though.

    I wholeheartedly disagree with free domains for a whole host of reasons; more hassle then it's worth, seriously.

    You also need to be really careful with how "creative" you get.

  13. firstly, most good domains are already taken, so the chances of finding a brandable yet keyword rich domain is very slim.

    Also, a lot depends on the purpose, if the domain is being registered for a micro niche blog then having a 1-2 keywords in the domain might be helpful, but if its your primary website or your company site, then one must choose something short and brandable.

  14. 1. It should match your business
    2. Pick the one which you think is the best in your mind
    3. The word "MY" followed by some words
    4. A name very early in the alphabets
    5. Relevancy keep that in your mind
    well these are the points which i could sum up

    • i like your 4th point very much πŸ™‚ if its early on the alphabets, it will be at the top of the yellow pages directory. Many people love to start a company with “AA” for this very reason and some times it even works out nicely…

    • I like the point 2 "Pick the one which you think is the best in your mind" .. That's really awesome point buddy. !
      Anyways other points are good as well. Thanks for sharing. !

  15. A good compilation of tips for domain name subscription dude, really a nice share mate πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  16. All are nice tips for anyone who want to choose a good domain name. Some people just registration domain names without taken anything into consideration, I think the above tips will help them to choose a beer domain name in future.

  17. Nice tips. A domain name is probably the first thing i go for once i know i want to act on an idea for a website. Keyword research has a huge role in how i choose my domain name. Finding a balance between a short domain name and one that includes keywords can be difficult though, especially if that perfect .com is already taken.

  18. Just because of the War of getitng s good domain, so much weapons (online tools) have been introduced. Nowadays, hardly any one goes for the creativity. Majority is taking help from these tools.

  19. yes of course your right pradeep,,, but i belive there are many websites that are not so relevant to their content or info they put,,, so howcome they have got good rank,,:)

  20. I agree with you. A good domain name should be short, creative and describing about the site. It should contain 6-10 characters only.

    Also great if you can add the main keyword of your blog too with it

  21. Domain names are getting scarce, and soon we will start running out, so reserve as many good ones as you can afford right now, because soon domain name auction sites are going to be the only place to get good domain names, and believe you me, you're going to pay for them!

    • All you need is a little patience and creativity. The domains are far from "gone". πŸ˜‰

  22. Good tips, what is your though on hyphenated name? There are usually argument on choosing hyphenated domain names, the great advantage of domain with hyphen is that search engines can distinguish keywords better and thus return the site more prominently in search results for those keywords occurring in the domain name. Though for human it’s easy to forget the hyphens when typing the name.

  23. Keywords are important and help in SEO ranking but if we consider a unique domain then this will help us for making branding on world wide web.


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