Blogging Mistakes Even the Experts Make

Is your blog perfect? Of course not. There are no perfect blogs, or perfect websites. Even the blogs you see with huge traffic numbers and massive revenue streams still make mistakes on a regular basis. It’s not about completely avoiding mistakes in order to run a successful blog. Rather, you need to simply learn from your mistakes and make fewer of them as you move forward.

To help you toward that goal, let’s look at a few mistakes even expert bloggers make on occasion.

Getting Off-Topic

No matter what your blog is about, it is about something. It’s always important to keep in mind that your readers have chosen to visit your blog because they are interested in something specific. Now, does that mean you have to write about exactly the same thing over and over again? Of course not. That would make for a pretty boring blog. The idea is to diversify your topics while staying related to a central theme. One handy tip is to simply ask your audience if they are interested in reading about a given topic. If you have an idea for a blog post but aren’t sure if it is relevant, try posting on social media to request feedback. Most likely, that feedback will make it easy to decide if you should proceed.

Focusing Too Much on SEO

Everyone wants to rank highly in the search engines. A high organic rank for your pages means they will be found by more people. However, too much focus on SEO is going to pull you away from what you should be trying to do most of all – provide value to your audience. Always make sure that your focus is on the audience first and SEO second. Even SEO consulting services will tell you how important it is to center on the needs of your audience. When you keep your priorities straight, it will be easier to grow your blog successfully.

Vanishing Act

One of the keys to a successful blog is regularly updating it with new content. People are simply going to lose interest and find something else to read if your blog rarely has new articles posted. That doesn’t mean you need to post every single day, of course, but don’t let it go too long between updates. When you are going to be on vacation or otherwise unable to post for a period of time, try writing your posts in advance and scheduling them to go up automatically while you are away.

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