Not too long ago, there were limited ways to learn DIY projects, and limited ways to learn how to fix things on the fly. If you didn’t know somebody personally, didn’t have a book about a topic, or couldn’t make it to a library, then it was up to the pros to handle a lot of situations.
But – the internet is now here to help! And, like blogging or content marketing person, you can reverse engineer this leverage to your advantage. Consider the benefits, from a web developer standpoint, of posting solutions for fixing problems, generating traffic from how-to queries, using semantic and authority language in posts, and then having opportunities to update those posts.
Solutions For Fixing Problems
There are problems in every industry. And as a blogger, you can help solve those problems, as well as getting traffic to your own site. You can create error-correction posts about software, you can write addendum sections to instructional manuals, and you can have FAQ sections devoted entirely to diagnosing and fixing typical troubleshooting situations. And the better you write out those texts, the more Google is going to send people looking for that information your way.
Traffic From How-To Queries
How popular are ‘how-to’ pages on posts on the internet? They are some of the most widely searched areas of information, period. And if you can capture just some of the traffic from searches like ‘how to write a better blog‘ or ‘how to fix a toilet,’ there’s a tremendous amount of attention and traffic that you can gather from your main website. From there, it’s up to you to determine how to captivate your audience, but at least you have a virtual foothold.
Using Semantic Language In Posts
A new technique that bloggers, marketers, and content generators are using to help with their traffic success online is the idea of using semantic language. Not long ago, keywords and keyword planning were the biggest indicators of search engine success, but with new Google algorithms at work, the idea is to use word combinations more naturally to suggest more knowledge about a topic.
Using Authority Language In Posts
And beyond the idea of semantic language, there’s the concept of authoritative language as well. Essentially, Google is beginning to understand which words are used in conjunction when an expert in a topic speaks about a particular subject. These words help your blog posts score more credit in the overall system. DIY and “Fix-It” content are prime examples of times to use this type of language.
Opportunities For Updates
And finally, when you have helpful posts about the subject matter, there are always opportunities to write further posts and updates on the topic. Every single update will give you SEO benefits, and each update will also give you more opportunity to connect with a greater number of people who will learn to trust your content.