A harassment lawsuit holds a lot of uncertainty as it consists of potential financial losses and expenses. Once you file your harassment lawsuit, the final compensation and settlement depend on multiple factors concerning your case, including the severity and extent of the sexual assault and harassment you endured.

The average settlement for a harassment lawsuit varies from case to case. If you plan to file a harassment lawsuit, you should contact a personal injury lawyer who will help you determine and calculate the value of the compensation or settlement you should receive based on the damage you have endured.
The losses and damages can be in the form of lost income, medical bills, mental suffering, emotional trauma, pain, and suffering associated with the incident. Your lawyer will help you build your case and access your financial losses and expenses so that you can put a financial value to your lawsuit to ensure that you are compensated properly in your case if not underpaid.
Harassment is not tolerable
Harassment is not acceptable in any way. If you have experienced harassment at work, you should definitely file a lawsuit against the party at fault. Harassment includes any kind of unwelcome attention or bias due to a person’s race, religion, color, origin, age, and any form of disability.
Everyone deserves to be safe at work and to work in a peaceful and safe environment. If you are experiencing any sort of harassment that is making your time at work uncomfortable, then you should file a lawsuit against your employer and pursue compensation. You should speak to sexual harassment lawyers Kansas City right away if you are facing harassment at work.
Harassment and the law
Co-workers tend to joke around, be goofy around each other, and might even prank one another. This is normal and creates a fun working environment, and is not considered harassment. However, actions that become problematic, break the law, are a form of harassment if:
· You are facing severe harassment at work that has made your time at the workplace unbearable.
· Your employment depends on you tolerating the harassment
· The harassment is unwelcome
No one should have to live with being harassed at work. A sexual harassment lawyer can help you fight your battle and help you win against your harasser.
The severity of the harassment endured
Harassment at work is unacceptable at every level and can be a very scary experience. Harassment laws are divided into the following categories:
· Harassment in the first degree: This includes stalking and intimidating someone repeatedly
· Harassment in the second degree: This consists of threatening, following, or repeatedly bothering someone
· Aggravated harassment in the second degree: This includes unwelcome attempts o communication, anonymous communication, or striking someone
· Aggravated harassment in the first degree: This consists of property damage, unwanted communication, and physical assault.
The cost of settling a harassment lawsuit depends on the degree of harassment. On average, it can cost around $50,000 for small businesses and up to $400,000 for large companies.
In a nutshell
A sexual harassment lawyer can help you determine the depth of your harassment. The lawyer will help you determine the average cost of settlement according to the damages endured by you, both physical and mental.