The last Top Commentators Award Contest of the year 2010 came to an end. December 2010 was such a great month, we encountered several commentators across the Globe.
December 2010 also turned out be a great month for us and we also improve the posting frequency to update you with useful information. We are also going strong with Guest Blogging.
The Top Commentators of December 2010 are Usman Nasir and Jasmine. Usman Nasir had 55 comments and Jasmine 53 comments. Congrats for them, and I would like to thank other participants as well. 🙂
Total Comments :
#1 – Usman Nasir – 55 Comments
#2 – Jasmine – 53 Comments
My best wishes and congratulations to them and for all who participated eagerly. Kudos.
Send your 125*125 banner asap (if you haven’t) to this email id : pradeep [at] hellboundbloggers [dot] com
1. Brand Your Comments To Drive Traffic To Your Blog
2. HellBound Bloggers – Comments Policy
3. Ad Slots For Top Commentators
If you are going to participate in this month’s contest, then you can subscribe to HellBound Bloggers to get the articles as soon as possible.
CHECK THIS : Ways For Respecting Your Beloved Commentators
Why don’t you participate right now by commenting here? 😉
congrats to the winners and i will be in the competition for January 2011..
I hope I can make this month 🙂
Congrats to the winners. I’m in from this month 🙂
Congrats to the winners, Usman and Jasmine..Hope so I can be in competition this month
You can use back my previous 125×125 banner. Do you still have it? Thank you.
congrats to all the winners, didn’t active to much, now look forward to win this time 🙂
Indeed, I have not known this award on HHB so far. Just a new visitor :-P. Hopefully this month will be one of your top commentators :-P.
Wow it is something really good that Hell Bound Bloggers is awarding its top commentators. I think this award should happen each month for 2011
Congratualtions Usman Nasir and Jasmine
Usman Nasir stayed here :), congrats to the winners.
Congrats everyone! I wish i had the time to comment on everything i read, maybe i will make this one of my minor new year’s resolutions. 🙂
Congrats Usman and Jasmine for doing a great job for year 2010.
Pradeep, thank you so much for running this contest. It’s such great fun to join and even greater winning something from it! 🙂
You can use back my previous 125×125 banner. Do you still have it?
congratulation to the winner and this time i will try to win this .
I really appreciate your promos Pradeep, congratulation to winners 🙂 , hard luck to me and other commentators 🙁
Kudos to Usman & Jasmine. They’ve done the job this month. I was busy with my sems, so could not take part in the race. Though this month I’ll be in the race 😛
Congratulation to the winners 😉 It was a tough competition on the 31st with over 4 people trying to get into first place 🙂
Congratulation to winners.
It will encourage to post useful comments.
congrats guys:)
Really wonderful…Congrats to winners
Thank Pradeep for this award. I know I am not getting any award however it is good to see that people do appreciate comments.
I think this will give really a good signal to people who wants to write comments.
congrats to winners and from now i am your competitor.
Man, good to know that you are pretty consistent on this award thingie. Great going! Cheers…
Btw, has the PR on homepage affected any traffic?
Thanks bro!!
No, the traffic is the same or maybe it increased a bit. 😀
Seriously I don’t see the difference bro! 😐
Any idea when is the next PR update? It has been a while, isn’t it?
No Jasmine, there are even news that PR won’t exist anymore. 😐
So, what will be replacing PR? Perhaps we can have HBB Rank? :0
That’s too difficult to answer!! And HBB Rank will be great! 😛
Congos, Usman and Jasmine…
I wish I win this month… 🙂
thanks and best of luck
Congratulations to the Winners… 🙂
nice hmmmm
Congratulations to Usman and Jasmine. Their comments were really great and useful! They really reserve it! 🙂
Congratulations to the Winners 🙂