While Google Chrome still calls the shots and takes a title of the most popular browser each year, the numbers don’t prove the same superiority in functionality and security. Although Chrome seems to be the most comfortable tool out there (at least on the superficial level), after analyzing other options, you might change your opinion.
Mozilla Firefox, along with Microsoft Edge, has been a steady Chrome’s contender in popularity. Even though the browser doesn’t stand a chance of claiming the first place yet, it deserves it.

If you tried Firefox before and were disappointed with its page load speed, you might change your opinion now. In the last several versions, Firefox’s development team has paid much more attention to the browser’s speed, raising the bar to Chrome’s and Edge’s level.
If increased speed didn’t convince you yet, take a look at the main reasons to download Mozilla Firefox 64 bit or 32 bit and use it as a default browser.
1. Firefox deals with multiple tabs better than Chrome
New algorithms, also known as Firefox Quantum, allow achieving high browsing speed with 30% less used RAM than is required by Chrome. When Firefox 57 was released, the page load speed increase was an immediate consequence.
Practically, it means that users will be able to run Mozilla together with multiple active tools and keep hundreds of tabs active. Flash applications, online games, and HD videos, therefore, work much faster and don’t disturb other dynamic software.
However, this power comes at a cost. In 2018, Microsoft conducted a battery test where the company evaluated the amount of charge, spent on each browser’s functionality. Unsurprisingly, it turned out that recent Mozilla’s speed increase was achieved by draining laptop’s energy – Firefox performed much worse than Edge and Chrome.
Still, if you are always charging your laptop while working, this shouldn’t be a drawback. Just be sure to use the less energy-consuming browser in the situation where saving charge is indeed critical (we are hinting at trains and airplanes here).
2. Firefox doesn’t jump over its head
Firefox has always been consistent about its objectives and priorities. From the moment of its foundation, the Firefox team stated its purpose clearly: to provide users with the free and secure Internet browsing experience. Surprisingly enough, their updates and technology changes remained truthful to these intentions. Firefox, indeed, has built a reputation for being an open and safe browser.
Most importantly, Mozilla never got overcomplicated to the point of forgetting about its original strategy. This is precisely what happened to Chrome. Back when first versions fo the browser appeared, Chrome was strikingly similar to its direct predecessor – Chromium. It was a simple browser with a minimalistic functionality and simple interface. Just what a user needs for a seamless experience.
However, as Chrome kept growing, Google quickly understood that they are dealing with the browsing phenomenon. As a result, the company began pushing other services as add-ons to the browser, forgetting about that very simplicity that made Chrome so loveable in the first place.
Now, users can never forget just how closely Chrome is connected to Google. We see the main Google search page, our data is collected on Google’s servers and used for personalized ads, and Google-created services are being pushed quite persistently.
Firefox, on the other hand, never picked such a track. It’s still a simple browser with the focus on its original intentions. The functionality may have gotten more elaborate, sometimes even too complicated, but again, Firefox remembers its main advantages and sticks to them.
3. Firefox’s Open Source mentality
With the rising popularity of Open Source tools, both companies and users started to forget what Open Source truly means. It’s more than just publishing your code and letting others modify. Open Source is and always was about supporting a dedicated community of enthusiastic users who make the tool better.
Even though Google published Chromium’s code, based on which Chrome was developed, users never have an actual say on how Google Chrome will improve. The in-house team makes all decisions.
Firefox, on the other hand, keeps the collaboration spirit alive and listens to what community members have to say. Contributors can write their code for the browser and post it for review – and it stands a chance of actually being used.
The key to such a thriving community strategy is that Firefox is owned by a non-profit organization, not by a large corporation. Their in-house team is much smaller than Google’s, and there is a real-life need in users’ insights.
4. Firefox maintains its reputation of a safe-by-design browser
Looking at the list of Firefox updates, it’s easy to spot that each of them is connected to security – one way or another. Recently, the development team added crypto mining protection, forbidding hackers to use Firefox user’s devices for crypto mining. As soon as such attempts are spotted, they are blocked immediately.
Additionally, Firefox enabled fingerprint protection. Now the browser prevents websites from digging out users’ information and gathering data into a digital print. As soon as a tracker or spyware is revealed, Firefox will block the connection.
On top of that, Firefox’s team has recently announced the release of a built-in VPN tool. Following Opera’s footsteps, Mozilla’s developers now allow users to protect their IPs and access websites from a third-party network.
Even though Google Chrome is also progressive with its security technology, Google itself doesn’t inspire trust in terms of privacy. The company which makes fortunes by collecting and selling user’s data to create personalized ads can hardly be an example of proper protection.
5. Richer customization opportunities
Although both Chrome and Mozilla seem to be quite simple at first glance, it’s only after exploring settings more in-depth, that you begin to understand the difference of customization settings.
Mozilla Firefox allows its users to do more than just close tabs or hide toolbars. The browser has a rich library with ready-to-go design themes and functionality kits. You can change the browser’s color, preferred functionality, edit the contents of toolbars, and adapt the interface according to your purposes (work, studying, fun).
6. Very rare extensions
Although the overall collection of extension in Mozilla’s catalog is smaller than in Google Chrome, Firefox wins by quality. The browser has dozens of unique extensions, available only in this browser and adapted to its functionality.
Our top picks were the following ones:
- Tree Style Tab – you can make tabs of a tab, and create a complex hierarchy. The overall browser’s interface remains uncluttered, but you don’t have to close the temporarily inactive pages necessarily.
- FireShot – even though it’s technically available in Google, only in Mozilla, you can use the full functionality of the tool. IT was initially developed precisely for Mozilla and is best suited to its functionality.
7. Prompt tech support
Even though the official support team can’t always handle all incoming requests, you can leave an inquiry in forums and Open Source community.
There you will find a community of enthusiastic users and developers that know the browser’s functionality from within. Compared to Google Chrome, which has a more indirect approach to communication, Firefox has a friendlier system for solving technical issues.
As you can see, changing Firefox as your default browser as opposed to Chrome is not only a safer but also more comfortable choice. Cleaner interface, higher speed, less consumed RAM, and unique add-ons – Firefox outplays Google Chrome at all these criteria.
It doesn’t deny the fact that there are situations where Chrome is superior. Advanced web development, software testing, and work in Google Drive accounts – in all these cases, it’s better to opt for Chrome.
Still, weighing all ups and downs, it’s clear that Firefox wins in terms of functionality, privacy, and usability. While it might not be as popular as Chrome, it deserves to have more attention. It’s a great browser with smart cybersecurity technology, and on top of that, completely free and safe from ad trackers.