Hydraulic muscle makes for tougher, stronger disaster-site robots

In fact, robots are widely used in different spheres of our life, especially when we need to cope with the disastrous consequences. Today, scientists are on the way of creating hydraulic muscles that are for rougher, prepotent disaster-area robots.

Nowadays, robots become more and more widespread throughout the world. People use them in various spheres of our life. You may have heard a lot about their functions and options. So, it is not going to be a surprise that people use robots to handle disaster situations. However, it is not an easy thing to create a light robot, which will be strong enough. Disaster situations can be very different and sometimes you need to lift/move a crashed nuclear reactor. Everything should be counted.

Hydraulics in robotics

Basically, the Tоkyo Institute of Technоlogy and Bridgestоne Tires now are working to create new hydraulic actuators for robots. These hydraulic muscles won’t be too heavy and will be very strong. Their motors will be up to 10 times stronger than common electric motors. Moreover, these motors will be more long-lasting.

Why do we need a hydraulic muscle robot?

The point is that sometimes the catastrophe may leave many hardships and unpleasant consequences. There are even such situations when people cannot get to some places and solve these consequences. So, in order to increase the effectiveness of handling the disaster, it will be better to use hydraulics robotics. One of the brightest examples is the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. It will be possible to avoid horrible consequences if the emergency worker gets to it with the help of the special equipment and repair its cooling system.

That is why the hydraulic robotics becomes more required every day. We need robots even more than you can imagine. Hydraulic muscles can help people to get to different places and do any type of repairs. This can decrease the number of disasters and prevent a big amount of unpleasant consequences.

Hydraulic muscles tech helps robots be stronger

In 2014 Japan’s Cabinet Оffice Cоuncil for Science, Technоlоgy and Innovation elaborated “ImPАCT Tоugh Rоbоtics CHаllenge”. They think that hydraulic artificial muscle is one of the main ways to elaborate rougher, prepotent catastrophe-area robots. They will be lightweight and will be capable to do various complicated movements (for instance, to lift big weights, etc.). The main aim is to elaborate stronger, lighter, and smaller robots that will be very powerful.

The crucial thing in the improvement of catastrophe-area robots is to elaborate strong hydraulic actuators. With the help of them, robots’ limbs will be powered and moved. There are many different electric actuators. However, they aren’t so strong. Also, they are too sensitive to the vibration and strikes.

Speaking about the hydraulic artificial muscle, it is an ordinary mechanism that is grounded on people’s muscles. As an alternative to contracting muscle tissue, scientists use the rubber tube that is tied by fabric high strength fibers. It can contract in longitude because it is sealed with the hydraulic fluid. As a result, this combination gets the structure, which is the same to the people’s artery. It reacts immediately. When the pressure is attached and emitted, its moves will be smooth and precise. Moreover, it will be stronger and tougher. It gives an opportunity to use this hydraulic muscle for high-intensity works (to push down the wall, to clear ruins, etc.) and enemy environments.

Well, as far as you can see, nothing stands in one place. Today, people have a great opportunity to use new modern technologies in many spheres of our life. Speaking about hydraulic robotics, it is not something new. We can use robots to handle disaster situations. However, it was not an easy thing to create the robot, which will be strong enough to lift big weights and move them. So, scientists created the hydraulic artificial muscle, which can make the robot prepotent, tougher, and able to handle the disastrous consequences.

Source: https://www.progressiveautomations.com/


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