Introduction To Cloud Computing & Amazon Web Services [SLIDE]

As we all know, Cloud Computing is the best option for hosting and it is the future for hosting web applications and blogs. Cloud Computing is nothing but delivering hosted services over the Internet. The name ‘Cloud Computing’ was inspired by the cloud symbol that are often used in flowcharts and diagrams to represent the Internet.

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) are a collection of remote computing services (also called web services) that together make up a cloud computing platform, offered over the Internet by The most central and well-known of these services are Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3. Below we presented a slideshow made by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Do tell us about your view on Cloud Computing and Amazon Web Services via Comments.

19 thoughts on “Introduction To Cloud Computing & Amazon Web Services [SLIDE]”

  1. i'm doing phd on cloud computing. could u pls tell me what cloud services can be availed by a common man. what are the most commonly used applications of cloud computing.

  2. Yeah, its really informative sideshow, Pradeep. And, i would like to say thanks for pradeep for given informative post about AWS. Great work.

  3. I was waiting some one to upload this event materials on Amazon web services.Thanks a lot for this post….

  4. It’s good, however if you can’t control your traffic or your resources, it could hurt you by monthly bill with a lot of money.

    • Ya we should first do the general prediction of the amount of traffic expected and then only switch to cloud plans πŸ™‚

  5. AWS is awesome. I’m planning to use their Web Services shortly. Any near competitor to Amazon ?

  6. Cloud Computing is going to be the future soon..AWS is for sure a great web service..i have also seen a cloud server from Nethosting..

  7. its just info… still lot more there dude πŸ™‚ , its awesome…even lots of companies hosted on aws πŸ™‚ , different types of plans there in aws.. you need to provide that πŸ˜›

  8. Cloud Computing is the future of WWW!
    CDN, Cloud Hosting and everything are doing good and worth every penny, we spend on that.

    Keeping Google algorithms in mind, those things really help for the boost for the SERPS.


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