Can You Make Money From Blogging?

When you discuss the internet revolution, it has to be considered by and large one of if not the most important inventions that mankind has been fortunate enough to lay witness to. Not only has it seemingly bought the world closer together, but it has also given its habitants access to information at a touch of a button.

Search engine giants such as Google or Bing allow you to perform functions from the comfort of your own home or more importantly on the move. No longer do you need to go to a travel-agents to book a holiday, you can just visit a website via a mobile or tablet.

Can You Make Money From Blogging?

Your high street shop can be carried out while on the bus to work thanks to companies such as Amazon who have changed our purchasing habits forever, while you can also build social networks thanks to platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

You are now the Creator

Not only that though it has given the world a much louder voice, this is thanks to the media that can be produced by just about anyone who has ever switched on a laptop and you don’t even have to be tech savvy in which to do so.

The proliferation of Podcasts and Blogs in the past couple of decades has meant that any topic that you could ever think of can now be discussed in its own corner of the internet. It could be something mainstream such as the latest events in the English Premier League or an article regarding Justin Bieber’s latest haircut.

On the other hand, it could be something a lot more niche, such as an American Wrestling show in California which also being streamed live online to its fan base which is dotted around the planet or it’s a forum on the 80’s gaming classic Dungeon and Dragons. It could even be a blog all about casino and slot games, it might even specialise in writing about uk slots or other european countries.

Nothing is out of bounds and everything is up for discussion especially when it comes to the world of Blogging. The term was born out of what used to be known as Web Logs, these were pretty much the mind dumps of anyone who had an internet connection and simply wanted to air their views.

In their formative years, they weren’t necessarily something that was all that popular, perhaps like the internet itself. However, the two have seemingly exploded hand in hand and as the might of the web gets ever stronger, the blog earns a greater prominence.

Hobby or Livelihood?

For some the Blog is a tool that allows them to facilitate a hobby, one that could be simply that of creative writing or at the same time it also allows someone to write about their favourite hobbies or pastimes
Many will only update their blogs sporadically, but for others the hope is that one day it can be used as a revenue making tool and that talking about the thing they love is also something that can allow them to step away from the daily grind of a 9-5 job.

Unfortunately, though a lot of people have that dream, this means that it is one that is not necessarily feasible for everyone. For this idea to become a reality, you need to be good for starters but even so that is not necessarily enough.

You can write the best content in your field, but if you don’t have enough of a strategy to get eyes on your words then there is every chance that your hard work will get lost in the ever-growing sea of digital prose.

On the flip side though if you can get a good strategy in place and you do start to receive a healthy amount of regular traffic then there is every chance that doors will start to open up for you, even if it does take an element of perseverance.

Be Better than the Rest

Ultimately the traffic that is generated can make money for you in a couple of ways, firstly there is there is the chance that your work will get noticed by professionals in the field that you are discussing and this in turn could mean getting paid work for your efforts.

The chances of this happening depend on how competitive your field of expertise it, for example if you are someone who is a keen football writer you will have to be really good to make sure you stand out from the crowd.

This is due to the fact that so many people want to discuss how their team is playing and who they have signed, not only that though but a lot of people are prepared to do this for free if it means getting a foot on the career ladder.

Something that drives down the value of work for everyone else and therefore makes it less likely for your work to be financially viable. However, if your field is a lot more niche and you can be considered one of its VIP’s then your chances of converting your text into money is a lot greater.

How to Strike it Rich

However, that is not only way in which blogging can be a revenue maker, firstly you can add in affiliate links to your blog. You may have a tie-up with a betting company or online store in place where a click-through link is inserted in the text of the article.

From there if someone who reads the content then goes on to click the link and complete the required transaction, then the person operating the blog will go on to receive a form of revenue share in return.

Should they receive enough of this over the course of a month it can provide a healthy residual income, the same can also be said for having advertising banners inserted on your blog. Here if an advert attracts a visitor’s eye they can click through to the additional website.

Here a transaction is not necessary for you to recoup revenue, but the share given out by platforms such as Google Adsense will end up being a lot less than that of an affiliate link, the difference being pennies rather than pounds.

At the end of the day, Blogging is an incredibly powerful tool and one that has provided us with a lot of good since its inception. The road to riches from being a blogger is not necessarily one we can all travel, but it is not a journey that is out of reach either.

1 thought on “Can You Make Money From Blogging?”

  1. Hi Ram, great tips and yes you can really make money blogging if you’ve a long term strategy and not looking for any shortcuts.

    I’ve been making money blogging since 2010 and I know that, making money from a blog is not a rocket science. One needs to have focus and put consistent efforts in creating valuable content that helps their target audience. Also make sure to have a blog sales funnel where you can turn your visitors into sales either by promoting your own products or affiliate products.

    That’s how you make money from a blog, not by using AdSense or other such services. If you want to win the blogging game, as you said, be better than your competition. Put 10x efforts into creating great content, driving more traffic and promoting your network to create a profitable blog.

    As you said, it’s also important to know that whether you blogging just as a hobby or livelihood. Because once you have that clarity, you can put extra efforts into building a blog that makes money. That’s when you can start thinking about investing money into getting a better design, hosting, tools and so on.

    Thanks for the tips, Ram, keep posting more.


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