Top Commentators Award For May 2011

We are back with the Top Commentators Award and we are pleased to announce the winners every month. We have been experimenting lots of comments every month, and we also tried our best to give good and satisfying replies to them.

May 2011 was really good as we encountered good commentators and guest authors. The numbers were increased.

TCThe Top Commentators of May are Kavya Hari and Satish. They were leading the top commentators position followed by Jasmine, it was a good race. πŸ˜‰ Congrats for them, and I would like to thank other participants as well. πŸ™‚

My best wishes and congratulations to them and for all who participated eagerly. Kudos.

Send your 125*125 banner asap (if you haven’t) to this email id : pradeep [at] hellboundbloggers [dot] com


1. Brand Your Comments To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

2. HellBound Bloggers – Comments Policy

3. Ad Slots For Top Commentators

If you are going to participate in this month’s contest, then you can subscribe to HellBound Bloggers to get the articles as soon as possible.

CHECK THIS : Ways For Respecting Your Beloved Commentators

Why don’t you participate right now by commenting here? πŸ˜‰

11 thoughts on “Top Commentators Award For May 2011”

  1. Thank you so much Pradeep, once again I am the top commentator for the month of may and it’s really cheering people to comment on your site. Superb work Pradeep πŸ™‚ keep rocking πŸ™‚

  2. Great way to reward people for spending time on your site…people do more if you give more.

    "Black Seo Guy "Signing Off"

  3. Awesome πŸ™‚ Thanks bro i love to comment in hellboundbloggers πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ a best place where you can have interaction and enjoying reading good posts πŸ˜€ Thanks πŸ™‚


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