4 Useful Tips For Making Your Blog Content Stand Out

Creating a blog is no longer as difficult as it once was. In fact, with the proper resources and a content management system like WordPress, you can do so in well less than a day.

But because of the ease of getting a blog started, there is an absolute ton of content being created on a daily basis. For blog owners, competing with the hundreds of thousands of pieces of content being uploaded daily is a significant challenge.

Making Your Blog Content Stand Out

Tips For Making Your Blog Content Stand Out

To do so, you have to find ways to make your blog content stand out? But how do you do this? Let’s find out.

1. Create Customized Images For Your Posts

Just about every article you’ll ever read about creating great content will talk, at least briefly, about the importance of images. The thing is, images only matter if they’re relevant and unique. People don’t want to see a stock photo of two businessmen shaking hands.

If you want readers to care about the images you utilize in your posts, create customized images related to the unique content you’re producing. Free tools like Canva and PicMonkey make this process incredibly easy.

2. Write With Passion

The average attention span of consumers today is somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 seconds. The average attention span of a goldfish is about 9 seconds. So, not only are you competing with a ton of other content, you also have to deal with the fact that modern day consumers have shorter attention spans than goldfish.

If you want to keep their attention, you have to be able to write with passion and create emotions within your readers. When you’re able to do this, your audience begins to see your content as unique. And, because of this, they’re much more likely to come back for more in the future.

3. Write A Compelling Introduction

With the short attention span of consumers, you can’t waste time getting to the point of your article. Writing long, boring paragraphs that talk about what your article is going to say is only going to prevent readers from sticking around to find out what you actually do have to say.

If you really want them to stick around, it’s essential that you’re able to write compelling introductions. The best way to do this is by optimizing your editing process to ensure that each sentence and paragraph at the beginning of your article persuades the visitor to keep reading.

4. Write In A Conversational Tone

When you’re in school, you’re subject to grammar guidelines that restrict creativity. With your blog, on the other hand, you can write however you want. While you’ll certainly want to avoid spelling mistakes, it’s not really necessary to follow every single traditional grammar rule.

When you avoid these restricting grammar rules and write in a conversational tone, it makes it much easier to connect with your audience. Remember, writing for an audience isn’t a business to business or business to consumer scenario. It’s a human to human one.

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