HOW TO: Write A Successful Wedding Blog

Wedding BlogsWedding blogs are perhaps one of the most popular blog niches in the entirety of the blogosphere. But how do you stand out? (Or at least make a valiant attempt to?)

Make Them Remember You

This – this is perhaps the most important thing in any blogging venture, but can be do-or-die for competitive blog niches. There are a few ways to go about being memorable.

Have A Great Design

Blog design is extremely important. It’s the first thing that your potential audience sees when they land on your site, and while you can be memorable for a bad site design, wouldn’t you rather be remembered for a good one? Don’t just go with the template design in WordPress that is the “Wedding” design – how many other people have that same design? If you aren’t sure – the answer is…lots! Go for something different and unique. If you are seriously serious (seriously!) about wedding blogging and making at least somewhat of an income from it, well…you’re going to have to spring for a design. Which of course, should reflect…

Tone & Topic

One of the best ways to be memorable is to have a unique angle, which is a combination of your tone and a specific topic of a wedding to focus on – in such a competitive blog niche, narrower is better (in terms of your focus). Make your subject unique wedding cakes, and have a fun, interesting or humorous tone. Don’t just talk about “weddings” and have a monotonous tone and expect people to be engaged and interested about what you’re saying. Be excited, get involved!

Have Personality

Don’t be afraid to let your hair down or your wild side show. If you’re interesting and your tone and design and general angle reflect that, your audience will notice, sit up and pay attention. In other words…brand yourself, and maintain that image and voice throughout.

Be Dedicated

A blog is not something that you can start lightly, especially not within the sphere of weddings. This better be something you’re passionate about and willing to dedicate time to, or else you might want to reconsider what you’re venturing into. Make sure you really have a good chunk of time that you’re willing to spend on this blog every day. This isn’t a weekend venture, no blog is.

Be Approachable

Weddings are all about emotion – so it would make sense that a wedding blog has emotional appeal. Which means that you, as a wedding blog owner, need to create that pull. Be approachable to your audience, be open, and don’t be afraid to talk about your personal experiences. Understand that your own approachability is a part of the tone of your site, which is a part of your branding, which can be integral to your success or failure as a wedding blogger.

If the wedding world is something that you plan on venturing into, I hope that this advice is something that you carry with you and keep in mind when you begin.

This article is written by Nikki Farnsworth. She is a little girl at heart playing bride. She loves everything about weddings from rock’n’roll weddings to traditional ones.

5 thoughts on “HOW TO: Write A Successful Wedding Blog”

  1. All 6 points are very nice and we should remember these points for special day of our life.

    Beside that lots of things we can learn from these six options for living long and enjoyment life.


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